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What to tell the parents?

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ok, hers my situtation, i am 17, and i have a groupd of friends who are both male and female, we do stuff almost every night, HOWEVER, usually i tell my parents it is just the guys (i do this so i can stay out later, and not have them call me while im out. They are much more lenient when im with just the guys.) Anyways, a couple for my female friends are having a birthday party up at one of their cottages 3 hours away. We will be staying the weekend(2 nights). It is actually 2 cottages, so we will have separate rooms if we want. I have stayed the night with this friends, girls and guys, many times at parties, but never told my parents the girls were there. I am worried my parents will freak out and not want me to go. I have already decided im going, whether they want me to or not, but i would much rather have permission, what should i do?

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man.. you sure about your parents being more lenient when it's just the guys??

my mom always KNEW i was out smoking pot and drinkin beer when it was just the guys, but when she knew girls were around my parents never bothered me.. maybe you should try again and tell them the truth


i always told my parents the entire truth (or as much as i could) so then WHEN they found out what really happened (yes they always find out and you always get caught i wouldn't be in as much crap

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i have told them i was with the girls, sometimes, usually when i had no choice(they came to my door, or my parents picked up the phone or sumthing) and they were always more strict. I do try to tell them as much truth as possible, but sometimes i have to lie, mostly for their benefit, cuz if they knew what i was doing they'd freak out and never get any sleep.


i want to tell them the truth about this party, but no how much of it to tell.

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You could say that I am just like maiof9cx63. I always tried telling my parents the truth or as most of the truth as I could. Anyways if you do lie to your parents they will eventually find out about it and then you gone get it big. So bro if I was you I would tell them that your going to a B-day party with the guys and that's the end of that. Add some other things to this and it should work just fine. Don't worrie too much. Just relax and have a good time. O and don't drink too much. I learned that this 4th of July when I had way too much to drink. Anyways good luck.

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Go for the birthday, don't risk messing that up But after the birthday why not ease girls into the mix, invite the gang around to your house for an evening of what ever you do. While the funs rolling nip out and get a drink or something and see how the parents are taking it.... Or if thats a big step and could put the breaks on, try more subtle ways to introduce girls into the mix. Say in weekends during the day, they may see girls as ok during the day, let them get to know the girls and see that they are ok etc etc....


Test the waters and proceed with precision and care! This is a delicate operation as you well know

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  • 11 months later...

Obviously your parents are not really worried that you be drinking and taking pot, but that you be sleeping around without protection.


It is normal that they don't want your life be spoiled and your future destroyed because you must be responsible for a child. So USE PROTECTION and make sure you don't get anyone pregnant. That is it!

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