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This is really bothering me.

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So, lately I've been hanging out with these two guys, the three of us hang out and have a good time and i am getting to be good friends with the both of them. Anyways. I went over to one guys house last night for some drinks and stuff and yea he ended up tryin to make out with me and I got a little freaked out by it, anyways I did put a stop to it because I felt uncomfortable. But, yea, this guy is a very nice guy and I just worry that he would start to have feelings for me which is not what I want to happen. I want to keep both these guys as friends (like brothers to me) and I don't want anything to make it awkward, ya know? Especially between the three of us. So yea, now things are definitely awkward between me and this guy and I just don't think I will feel comfortable hanging out with him alone ever again... is this normal? I wish it never happened.

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Have you talked to him about what happened?


Is the other guy aware of what happened between you and of the guy's intentions towards you?


Maybe sitting down and making it clear that you like them both, but you're not interested in more than friendship. If you don't talk about it and let it slide, obviously it's going to be awkward.

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Good luck being "friends" with guys who are attracted to you. Everyone is different, but I don't think I could just be close friends with a girl that I was the least bit attracted to. I think that's just human nature, I'd want to take it to the next level.


Let me put it another way...

I COULD be friends with girls. But if we ever became close, I'd want it to be a romantic relationship unless I wasn't attracted to her at all.


So if either of these guys are attacted to you (and one obviously is), then to them, it probably seems like you're teasing them, and they probably feel like they're being taken advantage of ("she likes me enough to get close, but not enough to go out?").


I could be wrong of course...

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