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How Do I Stop Crushing? (long story but its worth it)

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Hello Everyone,


A quick over view of when I started liking/loving my crush....


It was when I was in the 6th grade my sister and I got to have a friend over, to camp out in our back yard. 4 girls having fun all night you know that there is going to be some girl talk well we all took turns talking about our cursh! I was up to talk and I was speachless I liked this guy the minute I seen him. I describe what he looks like...

"Blonde hair, Blue eyes, taller then me (thats always a plus) really cute Kind of looks like Nick Carter"

My sisters friend asks "where did you see him?"

"At your guys Swim Meet the other day" I said.

Slience in the Tent...

"Um Jenni I think you just describe my brother... Andrew"

A few days later my sister and her swim team had another swim meet, I went just to see him again. But little did I know that my sisters friend was going to bring her brother up to me and ask me IS THIS HIM? My face was so RED Of course you don't talk when you have a crush on someone so I just looked at him!...


4 years later......I'm a Freshman in High School


It was 2nd Semester we got our new class Schudels


1st Hour - Music

2nd Hour - Lit. com 9

3rd Hour - World studies

4th Hour - Math

5th Hour - Science

6th Hour - Aquatic Skills


The most exciting day...Finding out who is in your classes


6th hour finally gets here. I'm one of the last people in the class cuz my 5th hour is way up on the 3rd floor. I just hate walking into classes late expecially on the first day everyone just looks at you! I walk in and who do I see ANDREW my crush from the 6th grade! We didn't talk all that much in the class room (I was 2 seats in front of him) but once we moved into the pool area where we had to learn lifeguarding skills we started talking more. Our teacher Mr. McPartlin put us all into groups of 4 in ABC order lucky me my last name starts with a C and his starts with a D so we were together there was this jump that we had to work on That I had no idea how to do it (The Stride Jump- a jump that doesn't make you senk well for people other THEN ME) I jumped in not having a clue what I had to do...So I went right to the bottom, Which Andrew thought it was the funnest thing ever once I got to the top I said

"I DON'T THINK THAT WAS IT" which me and Andrew think is the SENTENCE that started our friendship.


Our friendship mainly started from that class we had together but everynight at 10 we would get online and talk for about an hour and a half which was my favorite thing ever! But if we didn't get to talk online he would call me or I would call him and we would talk on the phone for almost an Hour. But the down side was that he had a Girlfriend WHO was one of my close friends. Whom he broke up with 9 months later. One reason of the break up was because of me so his ex's says. But thats a different story we will probably talk about that later hehe


To make a long story short.... Me and Andrew were insuperable we would do everything together, be the biggest dorks together, and just love spending time together.


Me and Andrew fought like we were married sometimes we would hate each other so much we would just laugh at the fact that we would yell at each other because of the dumbest things. We have only had one really big fight and that was when I was in 10th grade we didn't talk for a week. IT WAS AWFUL Now it is the summer of my 11th grade year and Andrew's 12th grade year. We haven't talked in about 2 weeks because I told him that I want our friendship the way it was but everything is changing. My feelings for him are 1000 times more then they were when we 1st met. Andrew is the first guy that I have ever truly loved and when I tell him this he tells me that it makes him feel weird. So I just told him that I thought it would be better if we just don't see each other for a while so my feelings would change.


The bad thing about me and Andrew fighting is that me and him hang out with the same people so when I want to do something with them and not Andrew he is always going to be there. The other night I was talking to one of my friends and she asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with another friend of ours and I said yes of course cuz I haven't seen them in a long time. But the only way to get there was if Andrew drove! Which totally brought me down. The whole night me and Andrew didn't say a word to each other not even a WORD! By the end of the night we were making eye contact but nothing else and even if we did make eye contact we would look away really quick! He was trying to be smooth and bring up a convo that we had before that I thought was so funny.. I don't know if he thought I was going to forget everything that I told him about me not talking to him for a while but I wasn't laughing when he brought that up! Nice try I guess!



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Ah I wasn't aware that your best friend also happened to be the person you are in love with. This does change a lot. There is a lot more going on here then just a simple fight. You are BOTH struggling with feelings that you never had to face before.


First off, I have to say that the qualities that make a great friend don't always translate to a great lover. That being said, falling in love with your friend can be very rewarding if it works out.


I'm afraid Andrew is not quite sure how to act. Has he ever mentioned his feelings for you? If he really didn't have any feelings (more then friends) he shouldn't have acted the way he did. You see I've had a good friend who was a girl try to tell me she wanted more. I was respectful and told her I cherished the friendship we share, we are even better friends now. So I think he reacted the way he did because he doesn't have feelings but doesn't know how to act.


I really believe that you should meet up with him, go for a coffee or something and talk about this. I remember when I started to date my best friend years ago how awkward it was to talk about starting to date or what it meant... We both agreed to just take it slow and see how it went. It was a great 2-year relationship.


Chances are you won't last and will drift apart. But don't let that stop you, find love, cherish it and learn and grow. My advice to you is to sit him down and tell him what is going on in your heart see if he has any thoughts like that. If he is persistent then tell him that you would rather sacrifice your feelings then give up his friendship. Tell him that you care so much for him that you feel you have the courage to tell him anything.


If he doesn't want to be more then friends you have a choice, either you swallow your feelings and be his friend or you back away and let the relationship fade away. Once this cat is out of the bag your in a sticky situation. That's what taking a risk is all about; I wish you the best of luck.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, Just an update on me and Andrew, We are once again inseperable we are with each other 24-7. Again! I don't think my feelings will go back to the way they were. but I do know that we will be best friends forever!


to all of you who read my story thank you for you time and reading about my life. thanks again!


Talk to you later



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