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I just want to post from my person experience because I'm sure everyone is different. An old boyfriend was the sweetest guy. He would do anything for me, would give me anything I wanted (that he could afford anyway) but after dating for so long I just realized that no matter how nice he was that if I just didnt feel that attraction to him that it wasnt going to work. It wasnt fair to both of us. There were some other factors that came into effect when I finally made my decision. I looked at him as a best friend but there were no sparks anymore and I just wasnt happy with the relationship as a whole.


When I broke up with him he was crushed. I went away for a couple months on a school exchange program and kept in touch very little. I thought he need his space in order to move on. When I got back we started talking again. We hung out a few times. I still viewed him as my bestfriend.


So the answer is yes, a girl can still want the feeling of someone being there for her without any hidden agendas. I'm sure there are cases where there are but this is just my experience.

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From my personal experiences, i have never contacted past exe's, or let them contact me. In my opinion, it ended for a reason, and i wouldn't want to be a friend with any of mine. It all depends on the terms as to why you broke up.


Maybe she contacts you because she doesn't want you to meet someone new and is still a bit possesive? I wonder how she would act if you told her you met someone. So eventually you will stop talking to her, when both of you meet new people.

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Well, this can be whatever you want it to be. Of course not a relationship again, but a friendship if you so choose.


Their are no rules, nor right or wrongs on ex's being friends, just opinions.


Be true to yourself about what you want from her, and don't settle for less because then a friend ship won't work between you two.

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