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Survey for the guys!!!

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Im the same way in both situations. But what I have come to realize is that the reason they end up not liking me is because im not myself. I become very self conscience and try not to act stupid or stuff but I realized that its those things that they like about me.


All the girls I have gotten have liked me first b/c I act normally around them. So I decided to just be myself and not put to much stock into what they think.


I act dumb and funny b/c I dont need to impress anyone. I know im a great guy and Im smart with a good head on my shoulder so I just have fun.

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probably the 1. if we're talking about guys who are shy (and some outgoing ones are like that too) because nobody wants to get rejected, and getting rejected from someone you like is pretty damn huge thing. #2 is more correct with the "no social skills" thing as there is no need for fear of rejection.. you just can't talk which is exactly about lack of social skills. No conversation skills. I'm a very good conversationalist, but I do have problems talking freely to a girl I like and I'm not sure if she likes me. If I remember anything from your situation, I'm going to tell you this: the guy you're thinking of does not know that you like him. That guy might know that you have liked her, but it is not enough - people get over their crushes. He's probably thinking that "Naomi used to like me... **** I didn't do anything about it back then arrrgh.. that was some time ago, she probably doesn't like me anymore and if I try to initiate contact she'll just shoot me down for revenge etc..." What do you need to do? Act quick, HE could lose interest if you just sit around doing nothing. That would really SUCK.. you both liked eachother but lost interest because neither did anything about it.. think about it.. you need to act NOW!

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