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OK so you meet this person, you get on well, you like them, you contact them alot in the first week, they start asking you to be there partner, you kind like them but are not sure and want more time to get to know the person. So you tell them you like them but want to take things slow. They say ok. 3rd time you meet them you sleep together, you werent sure if you wanted to, but you like the and they wanted to so you do.


You then realise that maybe things are going wy to quick, you get a txt from them aksing how you are feeling, so you tell them you are not ready for wht they want can you be friends. They say ok.


You are quite busy the next week, so you dont contact them much, they txt every other day, which starts to get a bit much. They then send you an email, but you dont have time to reply.


This person is coming accross as clingy and pushy but you would like a friendship but you are not sure how to deal with it.


What do you do?

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Just like your last thread "should I give up on her." I will reiterate again YES. You are sounding morre and more clingy and needy in this post and acting this way only pushes a person farther and farther away.


Leave her to decide if she wants a friendship with you. She knows how you feel and she knows how to get a hold of you. So let her come to you.

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