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Just met this girl

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I don't know if there is a particular time where you're "supposed" to figure those things out. But generally the college years are where a lot of experimenting goes on. I guess it's harder for me because I never did any of that. No college, no parties, no drugs, no sexual escapades... I've always known that all I wanted was to meet the girl of my dreams, my "soul mate". I don't really believe such a thing exists anymore but still. To find a woman I could spend my life with. With my last girlfriend I also realized I wanted to get married and have a family. Now, I don't know if any of that is gonna happen so I'm kind of back to figuring out what I want again.


As for my birthday... My family all lives out of state and I don't have any close friends. The few friends I do have probably don't even know when my birthday is. Thus, I will be spending my birthday alone. It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to!

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Yeah, I agree, I think experimenting and trying to figure things out are "theoretically" and encouraged at that age. I'm almost done college and well I am no closer to finding out what my career choice is or how my life is supposed to pan out than I did before I started. Yes, I've always known I just wanted to meet the man of my dreams, the prince charming if you will...Hence my frog tattoo. I don't want to kiss any more frogs until one turns into my "prince" yet I'm forced to in order to find him! I don't believe in the "one" anymore. I used to, until my last relationship ended. I know believe there are just...a few people who are supposed to be with us at certain parts of our lives. After all thats happened, and after reading so many people's experiences here at enotalone, I just don't believe in the "happily ever after" fairy tale anymore. More like a "happily for now until we break up" then we find another "happily for now until we break up." I don't mean that in a bitter, pessimistic way at all, just a...realistic way of looking at it.


Fine, FINE. You can cry on your birthday!

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I don't know if there is a particular time where you're "supposed" to figure those things out. But generally the college years are where a lot of experimenting goes on. I guess it's harder for me because I never did any of that. No college, no parties, no drugs, no sexual escapades... I've always known that all I wanted was to meet the girl of my dreams, my "soul mate". I don't really believe such a thing exists anymore but still. To find a woman I could spend my life with. With my last girlfriend I also realized I wanted to get married and have a family. Now, I don't know if any of that is gonna happen so I'm kind of back to figuring out what I want again.

I know the feeling, and I went to college. Sometimes I think that my college was a waste, socially. I met my best friend and a few very good friends there, enjoyed myself and got a degree. But it was prime time to go mate shopping, and I missed the sale. I wasn't going for my MRS degree, but to get some experience while there would've been nice. It really is a meet market, and I didn't take advantage like I should have. Oh, well.

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It really is a meet market, and I didn't take advantage like I should have. Oh, well.


Lol...this reminds me... In my first year of university, I lived on residence. Just imagine 1200 young adults, all between the ages of 18-20 living together. The first event they hosted for us, during the first weekend was a dance.


Guess what it was called? The Meat Market. It was unbelievable. Maybe I was a naive freshman but I kept on thinking "wow this is like in movies, something like Van Wilder or Animal House." I think some people take too much advantage of the opportunities though..there's sexual experimentation and then there's sexual...exploitation if I can call it that.

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