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Don't know what to do

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Ok this is going to be quite long. About 6 years ago i met this guy i was in love at first sight. I hung out with him and mutual friends off and on. One day I introduced him to my friend not so they could go out or anything but just because she was my friend and he was my friend and we were hanging out the same day. So i ask her to help me hook up with him so what does she do she starts dating him. I didn't say anything about of course cause I'm a pushover so I continued hanging out with them while they were dating even though it killed me. Finally after a year he broke up with her mind u they had a great relationship and never fought. She was heart broken and he didn't have a reason why he just got sick of her he says. So after that he met this other girl and he started going out with her and continued to for four years. I stilled talked to him the whole time. He cheated on her treated her like crap and then they got engaged. I forgot to tell you he also does drugs and i used to do them with him. So he told me he just got engaged to her because he felt like he owed it to her. So they fought and fought and finally he told her to give him the ring back so she did. Then me and him started getting together finally. We were great in the beginning i treated him like gold then it seemed like he started to treat me like crap. I did everything for the kid. He seems like he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, never wants to go to my family occasions but he will go to his. He seems very selfish oh and he's also on methadone now. He tells me one day he wants to be with me the next he doesn't. I also get crazy because of the way he acts towards me and i break up with him alot cause he seems like he hates me. He tells me he likes his ex better. I don't know what to believe cause when he was with her i remember he did the same thing to her. Also he started to get off his methadone once and he broke up with me and it broke my heart and i kept calling him and asking if it was really over and he said yes so i moved on but still called him and then he started wanting me back and now he calls me a * * * * but is that right i waited three months and he still said he hated me never wanted to see me again. I can't get over him no matter what i do. Why? And why does he one day tell me he loves me and the next that he never wants to talk to me again. I ask him to tell me how i could be perfect and he says you alreday are and then the next day it's the opposite. Help me.


I forgot to also mention we are very jealous of each other nad are both control freaks I think the problem is we are to alike. I know this sounds like the most horrible relationship ever so why do I feel like I'm in love with him and he's the only one that understands me and I can never be with anyone else. We have so much fun together and love cuddling and being with each other we did everything together, I mean everything. Somebody PLEASE HELP ME or am I just crazy should I give up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Babe . . .

the signs were there from the start and you knew what you were getting yourself into!!

He sounds awful darlin and believe me - there are other men who treat you a million times better!

He's messing you around for strters - if he really loved you, he wouldnt want to hurt you and he wouldn't say those horrible things!

You HAVE to move on babe - I know its easier said than done but its not gonna work!


Your young and have so much time to live your life to the fullest! Without him!

Please dont take this the wrong way but you sound very "needy" - you need to stop doing that babe cause that's how men walk all over you - because they know they can! He will NEVER appreciate your true self if you go running back whenever he calls . . .

Maybe distance yourself from him and try and get on with your life - take up a new hobby or something - something to stop you calling him!

You'll see, as soon as he realises he might be loosing you for good - it'll scare him!!!

He will probably come running back and I guess its up to you what you do - but Ill warn you he might not change!

The drugs dont help either - it gives you mood swings and make you say things you dont mean.


Be careful babe, and look after youself - give yourself more credit than you do - you'll be better off without him!

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