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Been doing ok everyone... NC (strict) It hurts still ...I cant lie. Some times at night when everything is quiet... I start to look around.. I miss the smell of perfume... her little shoes by the door.. her scrunchies (or whatever the're called) lying around the pink toothbrush in the holder or holding her at night...... sorry for not being as strong as I should be.... but sometimes I just hurt...


I'm babbling...


take care everyone..............

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Don’t worry you are not the only one with such feelings... I am about to hit 2 1/2 months of NC and i still miss him dearly.. either i am obsessive or maybe i love to deep to get out easily...what ever it is...


I would suggest what i am doing letting the feelings flow out of the system... Some days are great and others when you miss them to the point that its unbearable... but i know one thing, if its meant to be it will be if not then we will find the strength to someday not think of things we do now... hang in there...

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I know the feeling. If I close my eyes and concentrate I can still smell her hair and her lotion. I can hear her laugh and feel her warm breath on my lips. I get lost in the fantasy of being able to touch her and kiss her again but then I come back down from whatever cloud I'm in and continue on with my day.


Setter5 is right though. I can't wait to experience the next smell, the next set of lips, the next laugh. In time.

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