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It takes anything to turn me off then I cant find myself to cum

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It takes so much for me to cum while having sex. It takes anything to turn me off. Too much talking,he touches my spot but then starts moving his body another way,I start to think of other things....it just sucks....he gets angry and says i never cum and if i do it takes forever...do u think that turns him off? I cant help it....If something turns me off i'm turned off for the rest of the time...dont know what to do

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He gets angry and syas you take forever...I think THAT may be a large cause of your problem..how are you meant to feel relaxed (because you need to, really, in order to be able to cum) when you have all that pressure on you?


I dont think there is anything wrong with you, but I think you DO need to talk to your boyfriend and explain that him getting angry is not helping the problem and is him showing you disrespect..and if hes not going to be patient and help you, then is he worth bothering with? It seems like you have a rough idea of how you could cum (moves his body a certain way, etc..) so I think its a communication issue?

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ok from what you have said in that post i think there are a number of things wrong,

1.its not your fault that you cum late in sex, no one can help that facy unless you talk to your boy friend and tell him what really turns you on and what possitions etc. you like best, this helps getting you in the mood more and get turned on easier

2.if any man gets angry about you over a sexual problem that you cannot help they should be shot in the head with a sniper, u seem like a really nice person, and from what you have said about ure boy friend he seems lke a total * * * * * * * =)

3. i think u need to talk to him and tell him that its not ure fault and he shouldnt get angry, and when he hits ure spot tell him so he can maintain that movement in his body

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I think i can help you with that. bottom line, you know your needs better than anyone else. if your not getting the results you want than you might be doing something wrong. you want the other person to read your mind and at the same time please you physically. that take time and tons of experience with that same partner. that is a level beyond sex that deals with the physical body as well as the spirit. if you are not being satisfied than it is up to you take control of the situation. play a more dominant rule in your sex life. point him/her in the right direction, give encourgage and helpful crtisicm. the female body is full curves, sensation and a million secrets. explore your own body and enlighten yourself on what feels good. acheiving a level of self pleasure puts the individual at an advantage. also, can assist him/her in taking control of their sex life. if you fail to reach any kind of satisfaction than only you are to blame. remember, sex is 60% mental and 40% physical. you have to want to orgasm, let your imagination soar. attempt new position and try changing your enviourment to set a different mood and each others interest high. Be creative!

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Many women don't orgasm at all during intercourse:


About 10% of sexually experienced women have never had an orgasm during intercourse, another 10% climax infrequently with intercourse, another 10% are inconsistent. Actually, only 30% or 40% of women orgasm through intercourse alone, which our puritanical culture would consider "normal." About half of all women have trouble having an orgasm.




The problem is mental most likely. You are finding it hard to concentrate on just enjoying the experience and thus your body can't respond as favorable to what is happening. Your boyfriend pressuring you and saying things to you also doesn't help. A guy who loves you shouldn't be saying those things and should be trying to help you enjoy it more. He should work with you to try and help you relax. Set a more romantic mood, lots of foreplay, whatever it takes to get you relaxed and into the experience.


I agree, talk to him and let him know that hurts you. He should be sorry and want to work with you to make the experience more fun for the both of you.


Really, I see taking longer as a good thing. It means you get to experience all the pleasure for a little longer.

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