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I've been with my bf for about 5 months now. He's the sweetest guy. We're very good together. We've even talked about moving in together at some point.


My dilemma, though it's not THAT big of a dilemma, is holding hands. I like holding hands walking through a mall or taking a walk or whatever, but I am a chicken to actually do it first. I took his hand once when we first started dating, but he seemed so uncomfortable that I never tried again.


I'm kind of curious to see how many people are ok with holding hands and how many are not. I'm generally not into public displays, but I think holding hands is innocent enough.


And should I try again? Or leave it up to him?

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In general i'm a little against public display but holding hands is perfectly ok! My boyfriend has some problems too, he seems uncomfortable holding hands with me when we bump into someone he knows. But if it's someone who knows about us dating already then he is fine with it... gradually. Sometimes it just takes time. Especially if the guy hasn't had much experience, maybe he just doesn't know what to do with other people around. If there is no other indication of him not wanting to be close to you, or him not wanting other people to know you're dating, then there is no problem there.


Definitely try again, and if it proves to be a problem then talk with him.

OR, try again, and then ask him if the action was alright with him. Perhaps he has been wondering about the same! Don't leave it as a guessing game!

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Why don't you try what I like to call the "pinky link".


It's not as intimate as holding hands, but you can gradually get your boyfriend used to holding (parts of) hands.


You hook onto each others pinkies. It's actually kind of cute and when we're in crowded places, it works better than holding hands for staying together

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That's it! I'm going to go for it! Next time we're out and about, I'm just going to suck it up and try. What's he going to do? Break up with me?


I like the pinky idea, it seems so cute


It's so awkward when we go out and not hold hands, it's all I think about. I keep thinking "should I? Does he want to? Is he feeling awkward to?". It's so bad I avoid public places in general.


But I will try for sure. Thanks!

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  • 2 months later...

wow.... after reading your posts about your great sex life with him, I wouldn't have expected this post from you! Yeah, I think hand holding is great.... However, I have gone out with some girls that get a bit "Tense" from hand holding....

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