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What are guys looking for at age 22/23?

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I am 18 but I am interested in guys who are a bit older like around 22,23,or even 24. I hear that guys go through a major transition as they reach this stage in their lives, and people tell me that I am too young for guys that age because we are at different stages of our lives, and that even if i do go out with one they're not going to take me seriously...What differs from guys at this stage than guys who are 18 or 19? What are they looking for relationship-wise? What's this "transition" people are talking about?


Haha thanks

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This may be a generalisation but based on my experience, most men mature considerably from 20 to around 25. Again from my experience that maturing happens a bit younger for women.


I don't think it is a major transition, more that the testoterone levels off a bit and men are able to focus more of their attention onto more worldly pursuits. We become a bit more rounded.

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Im not sure about the maturity thing? When I was in my early 20's the guys I knew were not into "the relationship mode." They were into getting laid. Now it seems the young guys today sit around and play computer and video games. Plus you are young enjoy your time now because you will look back someday and wish you could have that carefree easy time again.

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I don't think there really is an age, per se, in which men tend to mature at a faster rate. It really depends on the man in question. Each individual will mature at a different rate. An 18 year old can be very mature, and likewise, a 24 year old can be not so mature.


I think that in the general sense there is the common conception that women mature more quickly than men, although this may or may not be true. It depends a lot on life circumstances and where you're at in life.


I've found it to be true that age tends to play a much larger role in relationships when young vs in your 20's and onward. A 3 or 4 year age gap when you're 18 or younger is usually problematic at some point, whereas, when in your 20's and up, it doesn't seem to present the same. For example, my fiance is 28 and I am 22, and we get along very well and are on the same level of maturity, however, had I been 16 and he 22, probably not so much.


Instead of concentrating on looking for a man in a specific age bracket, I would let their actions and personality decide for you. You may be pleasantly surprised by some of the guys your own age.

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Its different for everybody. I'm 19 and my bf is 22. We've been together for 3 years. His best friend is 23 and in and out of relationships like no other.


Instead of concentrating on looking for a man in a specific age bracket, I would let their actions and personality decide for you. You may be pleasantly surprised by some of the guys your own age.

I agree. I know some GREAT guys who are my age and I love them to death. They are ready for relationships as well. The old adage of girls should always date older isn't always the best thing to do. My best guy friend is 23 and ready to be married (doesn't have a gf ) but he can't wait whereas some friends in college want to get with as many girls as they can. It's different for everyone.

wow, that was confusing.

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Well, I've been looking for a serious commitment since the age of 17 or 18. But I've always been very mature for my age growing up.


Anyway, what do I look for...? Eeyy... that's a long list. I have high expectations of what I want, but I'm trying to be flexible without compromising my beliefs. It's tough. But that's a bit off-topic. I can say that I definitely thrive on commitment, but I am probably the exception to the rule, not the rule itself.

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