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Ok..I have a very big problem when I talk to guys, I have nothing to say and I like..nah, love my boyfriend! I think he's getting tired of it, so please, can anyone say what he'd love to talk abot with me? Like a subject that can go on for hours

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A good conversation starter would be the following:


01. So how was your day?

02. Anything interesting happen to day?

03. What are you doing this weekend?

04. What do you think about that? or This?

05. Do you like my hair like this? Why?


Depends on the mood and situation.[/b]

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I would just like to add that although you might feel insecure about this issue, it probably doesn't bother your boyfriend too much. He chose YOU to be his girl, right?


So he finds you special even though you think you don't have anything to say... Realizing this, you might feel a little less insecure.


Enjoy your boyfriend


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Um ok...thanks a lot...I think I frogto to mention that he's away for summer and we talk on the phone...but usually MSN...so what can I talk about in MSN with him?

That Converstioanal Tips web site is helpful, but that's more like in "real life"...So ok while he's away .. I cant find a subject what to talk about...I mean in life eyes tell everything..but in the internet....uh...

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