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The Sadness Is Drowning Me!!!!!!

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I can't get a hold of anyone and I am in need of a friend. I am losing it I am lost...lost in my misery of missing my grandmother, realizing that she isnt here. This pain makes me want to just stop it all. Nothing even matters right now to me. I know that I probably sound like a broken record but this is my only other outlet when i cant get a hold of my friends.


The pain is just to overwhelming and is it worth it that is what I am trying to decide......My heart hurts and the tears wont stop. Im drowning in my sadness.

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I did and I appreciate it so much. However right now it just hurts and I have never been through this. My grandfather passed away in the 90's and I can't remember feeling this way for him. I loved him with all my heart too but she and I were very close. The bond was strong and she was sort of my lighthouse when I was lost in the dark.

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I wish I know more of what to tell you , that I didnt say in my other post. I truly hate that you are hurting so badly. I absolutely know the turmoil in your heart. I know its not alot of consalation to know that you are not alone in the feelings that you are having.

I try not to get in to religious aspects too much with people. I know we all have our own beliefs in the everafter and about God or a Higher Being out there.

Some one sent this to me when my husband died two years ago. Its some what sad but enlightening in a way. IF you care to click it,, here it is,,,,,, if not is your choice and I respect that.


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I do hope that you can find the comfort and healing that you desire. My thoughts are with you.

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Anytime you want to talk let me know. I am a good listener. I might not know all the right things to say to make you feel better, but I can surely lend a shoulder to cry on. I really do understand your pain. I have lost three grandparents and a husband. Please message me anytime and if I am here, Iwil be more than happy to talk to you. Take care.

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Perhaps you could do something special in memory of your grandmother. If you have a little extra money, you could donate it to a charity that you know she liked. (for example of she loved animals, 50$ to an animal shelter in her name would do wonders)


If you are low on money, how about volunteering somewhere for an afternoon? A place like a nursing home might like it if you came in and offered to read to residents, or play a boardgame with them. You might brighten up a senior citizen's day, and in the process improve how you are feeling right now knowing that you helped someone else.

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Elektra.. I'm sorry about your grandmother and your loss. You are very very lucky to have had the opportunity of spending time with her and getting to know her. How very special.


Now, ask yourself, would Grandma want you so down in the dumps??? Noooo.. thats not what she wanted for you.


You said you spent Sundays at grandma's doing laundry and making her something to eat and hanging out with Grandma.


OK.. take your laundry.. go to your Mothers house. And make something for mom to eat. Make dinner together. Bake cookies together. Or bring a pie to Moms house and sit down for a cup of coffee. Make NEW traditions and NEW memories. Thats what grandma would have wanted for you.... she would want you to be happy and to keep on living.


Hey.. come to think of it.. that does sound like a good idea... taking a pie to my mothes house.. maybe bring a jigsaw puzzle along.. and a pot of TEA or coffee. A new tradition I can start. hey... you know what.. THANKS for the inspiration ELEKTRA... I think I just may start doing that. It'd get me to start baking again. Something that I miss and don't do enough of.


Sending you big big big hugs hun. Grandma is always with you. I truly believe it. When times get rough... I can sometimes feel my grandmother with me.

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