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no one can get me there


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Im concerned that I have never orgasmed. Whether by my self or with a guy. These days I don't even feel tingerly or have shivers or anything like that… its like "oh im being touched …. That's nice" and its not like I don't like the guy that's doing it, I really really like him and trust him and stuff, and it was the same with my other boyfriend. But why cant I orgasm… will I ever orgasm???

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I have a similiar problem,

I never orgasmed, even with my seven year relatioship...well i thought i had baby orgasms. Pulses, sensations, etc...but not the dropping off a cliff, blood rushiong to your head, knees shaking, screaming kind. nO.


Now that I'm single, I try to get my self there, and I have much better luck =) I think now that we don't know exactly what to feel we are to concerned about what it should or should not feel like.


I suggest trying to get ur self off more. Men often don't have a clue what they are doing in teh bed...they are just doing what feels good to them or what they THINK feels good to you.

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if i try to get my self there, i just go 'dry' so theres no point... the guy im with at the moment, his spanish, and apperently they are one of the best 'lover's and i know his really good, because of what sort of things he does.... but it just does nothing.... if that makes sense

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There are lubrications for dryness, I believe that is common. Low sex drive can be caused by stress, depression, etc. etc... I was prescribed once an HErb called MACA, its natural and is usualy taken as a prenatal herb. So it does increase fertility in the sense that it increases your sexual organs and in turn making you more sexual...It actually worked for me, but please ask your doctor or read about it to make sure its right for you.

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