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Why Does She Notice me Now??

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Well l met this chick from maine. Shes really cute and fun. one time i gave her a ride and we were walking down the street and i put my arm out for her to wrap it around it and she did then as we were walking she sorta took it off... she sometimes ignores me in school ...... and now when she seen me she's like O HI!!!!! ,HOW YOU DOING?? Whats Up with you!!! ..and i was shock... i wonder .she really doesnt hang out with no one.... she really high class and stuck up in a way.... What do you guyz think it mean???

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Boston -


She probably didn't think of you that way originally but you put the idea in her head and now it sure sounds like she's thinking of you. As far as the stuck up attitude goes, that's a tough one and a put off for me, but maybe you should get to know her more before making a decision on that. Just keep an eye on it.


Ask her out and see how it goes.

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Some girls might seem stuck up, especially the hotter they are (not a rule, just a trend i've noticed), but usually there's a soft center underneath so don't be intimidated by that. If she's smart, she'll realize that you're cool and drop the act.


As for what her intentions are, not enough info to tell. Go talk to her some more, get her number, call her, try and set up plans to get together. Give it a good shot and if it doesn't work out let it go.


And most important of all, keep talking to other girls.

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Boston, do you even like her? Or is this just curiosity about why she would be talking to you now?


There could be any number of reasons. Something may have reminded her of you recently and when she saw you she wanted to say hi. But I'd be careful of someone who is snobby. They may have a good heart inside, but if they aren't nice to others, you have to decide if thats something you can put up with.

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