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Why is he like this?


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I have a good friend who studies sex and flirting for a living (really!!), and she always says that physical contact like that--with no real excuse--is one of the biggest signs that somebody is interested in you. Well, it's actually a little more complicated: Her research suggests that if a girl 'accidentally on purpose' touches a guy, the guy will tend to interpret that as "Oh, she wants me," even though the girl may or may not actually be seriously flirting. But if a guy touches a girl, he's probably into her...or testing her to see if she's interested...but she may or may not pick up on it. I guess overall, it means guys are more likely to attach meaning to physical contact than women are (hello...really? ). I hope I didn't just really butcher my friend's research...and yikes, please don't be offended or yell at me if you disagree with those huge generalizations!


But the point is, love, it sure seems like he's flirting with ya. And we don't really need research to tell us that, eh?

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