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Clashing work styles

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Does anyone have ideas on how to work with people who don't have the same work habits as you? Two of my colleagues come in late, talk about non-work stuff during the day, surf the Internet and think they're hot stuff but are really pretty lazy.


(Sorry, I'm trying to give the short version here, that's why I'm being blunt.)


I like things efficient, organized, well thought out, positive. Some chit-chat during the day is great, but mostly I like my workplace to be business-like rather than a party.


Our boss is a bit of a wimp, so he doesn't really bother to talk with my co-workers. I've tried to just focus on my own stuff, and that's actually helped. But what still bugs me is feeling like we're not working together as a team. I don't want to have to become a goof-off in order for us to get along we work as best we can together. And they don't seem to be interested in my way of doing things.


So ... it's disappointing and I don't know what to do. Help.

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I know what you mean. However, I finally have a place to work at where I actually feel as though the people are somewhat tolerable.


Where I work, we'll have guys come into our department and flirt with the girls, because most of the times, where they work consists mainly of 'just' guys. In other words, it's a cockfest down in their area, so they'll consistantly walk around and flirt with the girls. I don't know what it is, but it does get annoying- especially when they're always trying to high five- talk like they're out clubbing and stuff.


Anyway- how I deal with it- maybe this may help you too- just realize that people are people. For whatever reasons, they just act the way they do because that's just who they are. We either take it or leave it. There is no changing them. Just accept them for who they are. If they want to stand around and chit chat, and IF you're OBVIOUSLY disinterested- be friendly, but BRIEF. That's how they'll get it. The delivery of your response doesn't have to be standoffish- although sometimes- if I really don't like someone- I will come off as standoffish. Most times- a smile and a brief response is good enough.


Best thing to keep in mind- you always want to make work a POSITIVE experience- no matter how aggrevating it is to you. That's all I can think of for now!

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Thanks for the advice, BillyJean. I'm glad to know someone understands what I'm talking about. LOL about how the guys at your place keep trying to be Mr. All That with the girls. I guess I'll try to accept my co-workers as they are, instead of trying to apply "rules" to them - like, they *should* be working - even though that seems like a no-brainer.


It's tough because one guy basically blames everyone else for his shortcomings. Not in a mean way, but if he's late by two hours, he blames traffic, though he only lives 15 minutes away. His attitude bugs the heck outta me.


You're right - it's best to make work a positive experience. I guess I need a new approach. I've been trying to make it positive by focusing on work and getting things done and being helpful, etc. Clearly that's not working. Well, I'm sure some people appreciate it. But I feel like I'm butting my head against the wall because of my hope that everyone else will be the same way. Time for an attitude adjustment, I guess!


Thanks again for the advice, BillyJean. I'm open to other advice, too, if anyone else has some.

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Anyway- how I deal with it- maybe this may help you too- just realize that people are people. For whatever reasons, they just act the way they do because that's just who they are. We either take it or leave it. There is no changing them. Just accept them for who they are. If they want to stand around and chit chat, and IF you're OBVIOUSLY disinterested- be friendly, but BRIEF. That's how they'll get it. The delivery of your response doesn't have to be standoffish- although sometimes- if I really don't like someone- I will come off as standoffish. Most times- a smile and a brief response is good enough.


Not surprisingly, BillyJean gives outstanding advance and says exactly what I would say.


K8tie Kool, the hardest part of work can often be the clash of personalities between people. When you like things one way, its difficult to adjust to how others do things differently. I'm like you, organized and efficient. I've worked with people who are lazy or scatter brained. It's frustrating. But part of being in a team is the coming together of different syles. Each person brings something unique to the table just as they are. At times, you need the efficiency that you possess and you can help get things in order, running smoothly. Other times, you need the laid back attitude and not too focused. What counts is that work gets done. And if they really just goof off, then eventually they'll pay for it while you will be rewarded.

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Thank you, ShySoul. Good advice! I agree that each one of us contributes different skills and attitudes. I do want to value both my work style and theirs. I just hope that they DO value my workstyle, you know? No one wants to be taken for granted. Well, thanks again!

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Yep, no one wants to be taken for granted. We all want to feel appreciated for what we do and accomplish. But if the coworkers don't appreciate it, I'm sure that someone does. Your boss depends on the work you do. It's helping the company, helping the people who you serve. And if nothing else, there is that sense of personal satisfaction you can focus on.


Hope all goes well.

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