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coming out..what should i say?

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Ok.. I have now accepted that I love girls..and I'm ready to tell my boyfriend and my friends..its gonna be so hard for me cause they have no idea, especially my bf…

Ok my question is..what should I say?

I'm taking my friend out for some drinks and im planning to tell her then… does anyone have any advice as to how I start off the conversation? Or what I should say?


Thanks lots all of you

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Being straightforward and honest is probably the best route, but also you need to try to tailor your message, a bit, to the person you're speaking to, in terms of what their own perspectives, expectations and biases may be.


Expect some people to be very surprised. Be prepared for questions (when did you know? how are you sure? why not date other guys for a while?, etc.) and have answers for them. Be prepared also for some people to be very unhappy ... that may not happen in your case, but it can happen, and you should be prepared for that emotionally and mentally in case it does.


Good luck!

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Well I know this is a sensitive issue. I'm not going to say not to hold anything back, because you need to do it at your own pace. But please don't mislead anyone. Just tell the truth and let it out. It may be painful right before and during the process, but it will feel so much better afterwards. Well, for me it did. I wish you all the luck.

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