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Friend has insecurities. Should I say/do anything to help?

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So everyone has their little insecurities, but what do you do when you realize a friend is insecure? Should you say or do something to try to reassure them or do you just leave it alone?


I have this friend. She's fabulous. Beautiful, fun, smart, motivated, kind...she's really got it all going for her. I used to think that she said things to downplay her successes and good qualities because she was humble, but now I'm not so sure. She's very self critical and some of the things she says makes me think that she really doesn't know how awesome she is.


What should I do? Would it be helpful to give her a card or something? If I were feeling insecure about myself, I doubt there's anything that anyone could say or do that would make me feel entirely better. I want my friend to feel good about herself, but I guess I just don't know how to help her.

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I agree. Sometimes all it takes is a little attention for people like her to feel better. I really like the card idea!


The funny thing is, you should just show her what you posted for the whole world to read! You just professed to the entire eNotalone community of 7500+ people that:



I have this friend. She's fabulous. Beautiful, fun, smart, motivated, kind...she's really got it all going for her. I used to think that she said things to downplay her successes and good qualities because she was humble, but now I'm not so sure. She's very self critical and some of the things she says makes me think that she really doesn't know how awesome she is.


Wow. I wish someone would say that about me...


You're a great friend for saying such kind words, make sure you give that kindness directly to her!





(I'm serious, show her this!!!!!)

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Hmmm I don't think I'd feel comfortable showing her this topic, but I guess I could put the gist of what I posted into a card or email. Do you guys think email is too impersonal for this type of thing? I guess a card would probably better, but I don't know.

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