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Thought Evoking

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If you've ever been in love you may agree that…….. that there is nothing in this world as constant as change. The person you fall in love with today, may not be the same person you wake up beside tomorrow. There are bound to be events, situations and other outside stimuli taking it's toll on a person, and although your relationship may not be able endure, change is definitely an inevitable factor that you will have to encounter. With that said, how is it possible for a person to fall in love with a creature so bound to change?

From my own experience, I have either fell in love with the potential a mate had (which by the way is unattainable) or I've even found myself infatuated with the ideal I created of who a person really was. I've come to realize that in order to truly be in love with a person, you have to first fall in love with their flaws, then accept all that person has to offer instead of looking at potential, or being infatuated. Now, do the majority of you agree, or disagree with that statement?

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I don't think you fall in love with their flaws - that seems counter-intuitive. I think you fall in love with them despite their flaws or that they don't matter to you.


The problem is when you ignore the flaws and then discover too late that they do matter after all.

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LOL Imelda Marcos will live in history because of that habit!!


I have a t-shirt from the Philippines that says "I did not have 3,000 pairs of shoes!" and on the back it says "I had 1,000!"


I think when you still love someone despite their flaws... hmm, all relationships need work and acceptance. If you find the right person you're more willing to put up with aspects of them you don't like and embrace the things you do like. Then again some people won't accept anything less than perfect, even when they do love someone, thinking that "if it's right it will all fit into place" and not investing anything into the relationship.

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  • 9 months later...

People's core personalities are fifty per cent genetically inherited; fall in love with that -- if you can see it. It's when you see that, the self they are, the self they can be, good and bad, that's when you know if you really love someone.


Everything else is just wasting time.

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  • 6 months later...
People's core personalities are fifty per cent genetically inherited; fall in love with that -- if you can see it. It's when you see that, the self they are, the self they can be, good and bad, that's when you know if you really love someone.


Everything else is just wasting time.


Yes, I totally agree

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