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I finally got the courage up to ask this girl, who i have been friends with for many years, out. I however am not sure if she understood that i was asking her out on a romantic basis rather than a friendly one. What would be a good date idea that would insinuate romantic rather than friendly?

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Telling her outright that you want to go on a romantic date with her rather then doing something as friends is the only way to go. If you go out with her and she's thinking "great time with my buddy" and you take her to a five star resturant for a candle light dinner you might freak her out and ruin any chance you may have.


You need to talk with her before the date to explain that you would like to go on a DATE, not a friendly excursion. This will be hard because you're probably afraid she'll say "I'm not interested in you that way" but it's better you find this out before the date then during it or after it.


Worse case. You take her out on a date, she thinks it's a friendship thing. You waste your money trying to show her a good time, freak her out and possibly hurt your friendship because she feels "weird" around you from that point on. Not good. Better to be upfront in the beginning and take it from there. At least then you'll know where you both stand.

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I say, just go with it. It all has to start as a friendly thing anyway. Don't expect much just yet. How will she know if she wants a romantic relationship unless she feels it on her own terms. Take her out to a romantic place, definitely, but she's gotta fall for you. Definitely drop the hints that romance is what you're after, but don't push it unless she seems into it. Get to know her and see if you hit it off....


Good luck!


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i think a highly romatic date would be a movie, and then a romatic dinner and then at night if it is a clear sky just a rome around the lake under the stars alone and have no one else on the date with you! and make sure you tell her how you feel about her! have a good one

good luck!


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