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hummm - not sure how to take this -what do yee (pee)think?

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Met a guy - well mannered, nice etc and he told me (a few dates later) that he really likes to pee on girls .Have to say I did not agree to see him again, each to their own but not my cup of tea .Had recently left a head messing relationship and didnt want to take any chances with my fragile self and I cant see the point , to be honest.

What do yee all think - I must admit I was taken aback -am I naive??or boring??or would you feel the same ??.

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I think that you shouldn't knock it until you try it. You don't have to let him do this stuff to you right away. Maybe if you get to know him better, and like him a lot, you may be more willing to try this kind of stuff out. Lots of people are into this. Anyways, if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it. But, at least he is open and honest with you about it, so that sounds like a good sign.

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Yea fair enough he was honest and it would be horrible if a couple of years down the line he suddenly came up with it. Allthough, this guy really really seemed to be into it and to be honest I know its not for me. There wasnt much spark there anyways so best off letting him find his dream girl and vica versa.

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It could have been worse, I mean he could have said that he liked to pitch loafs on the girls he dates. j/k


You did the right thing by moving on. Hopefully you'll meet someone with less bizarre appetites towards women.


As for him, well I am sure there is a nice urinal out there just waiting to meet someone like him!

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Thats fair enough romanticlover and your entitled to your likes and dislikes and your girlfriend is also entitled to hers and propably wishes you liked the same things as her . Hence , why I didnt see him again ( plus i didnt really fancy him)I think it would have gone round in circles and im too old and jaded lol.

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