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guys and phone calls

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omg i met a new guy recently and it all started good, i was starting to fall for him, but then he would never call when he said he would. Instead, he'd call a few days later, etc. this pisses me off alot. I understand if it happens sometimes, but all the time is too annoying. Should i be happy that he's even calling me (after all, he could just simply not call at all), or should i see it as he is too busy or disinterested to call when he says he will?

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omg i met a new guy recently and it all started good, i was starting to fall for him, but then he would never call when he said he would. Instead, he'd call a few days later, etc. this pisses me off alot. I understand if it happens sometimes, but all the time is too annoying. Should i be happy that he's even calling me (after all, he could just simply not call at all), or should i see it as he is too busy or disinterested to call when he says he will?


It's understandable that you're annoyed. I mean, when he calls isn't a big deal, but it's the saying one thing and doing another...that ususally bothers me too. Have you mentioned it to him?

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"Try not being available when he calls you late. He will wonder why you aren't home, what you are doing and with whom??????"


That's messed up. Do you really play those kind of games with guys you are interested in?


"if he tells you that he will call you at X pm, and he doesn't, that's disrespect. Tell him that he's not a man of his words "


It's only a phone call.


I can tell you that I HATE talking on the phone (having conversations on the phone that is) and I have to admit that I often say I'm going to call someone and then forget to do it also. The only time I call people is if I want to do something with them.



To the original poster: I wouldn't take that as disinterest, disinterest would be not calling at all.

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