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Relationship to friends (feelings)

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From personal experience, one that I am currently in, I personally find it very difficult to transition from being together to being exes to being friends. All you have is the history. It depends on the person, people, and situation(s). Depends on people's individual coping skills and their personality and temperment (i dont think i spelled that right?!).


I have never been friends with an ex because I know myself and I cannot handle it emotionally, particularly since the few exes I've had always hooked up into new relationships way before I did. Some people can do it and more power to them, I sure can't!


Seems like one person typically wants more than friendship and from there, problems arise, such as jealousy. Then it can drive the dumper away, when really the dumpee is just trying to please that person and themselves. It's really hard to cut somebody out of your life that was in it for a period of time, and w/intimacy involved. However, I say that with the exception to verbal/mental/physical abuse......I'm tired and may not be making alot of sense but I hope people get the gist of what I'm trying to say...

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You hit the nail on the head there, Mstyiyd - I recently decided to end the friendship with my ex as I couldn't keep a lid on my emotions. I felt terrible for ending it, as I'd originally agreed to be friends and we get on really well.


Like you, I take a long time to hook up into a new relationship, so the last thing I wanted to hear from my ex is that he's found "someone new". In my opinion, NC is very painful, but nowhere near as painful as hearing that your ex has moved on...

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