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I love him, but he's so young!

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I have a problem. I really like this guy. In fact, when I see him...I see my future. It sounds stupid, but I'm serious. I have this strong feeling that he is the one for me. He is so beautiful!

Here's the problem: He is going to be a sophmore in high school and I will be a freshman in college. He got held back in pre-school, so he is 16 and I am 18. So there's only a 2 year difference....it's just the whole school thing. I mean I'm going off to college(not far away) and he is still so young. I'm debating whether I should try things with him or not. I just feel so strong about him.

He works with me & I always have to look my best for work just because he will be there.

So I just need some advice on what you guys think I should do? should I follow my heart? HELP!

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I say go for it. The age difference isn't much, you're right. If the school issue is worth dealing with, then everything could still work out. Give it a shot, especially if you feel so strongly... don't miss an opportunity!!!


(it sort of sounds like you already know what to do, so I'll encourage you, if that's all you're waiting for!)


Good Luck!



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I do not think age is always an issue, if you have feelings this strong then it is worth the risk. I do however think you need to be prepared for the different stages of life you both will encounter...you are different places...with different types of lifestyles. So make sure you communicate as much as possible. This is where the problems can arrise.


Now my only question here is would we all be saying something different if you were a guy and she was a girl....hum....food for thought.


best of luck to you!

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A 2 year age difference? - Thats nothing!


Don't worry about it. Just go for it, enjoy and have fun!


Seriously if you like this guy, then why should 2 years be of any concern? - a lot of us fella's like older women anyway so I doubt he's gonna care about 2 years.

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