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i was wondering if anyone could help me on advice of how to give a hicky!!! do guys like recieving them, i that never done them before and i would someday just like to try this. this is really imbarresing and my boyfriend doesnt know how to do it either. i kisses my neck but thats all. how do they feel and what do others think about them? well hope others can help with my problem!


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Hmmm, I would try giving him one on his stomach first, you might put him in an awkward position if you plant one on his neck right away, especially if you do it wrong, it'll be bright as a tomato!!!


I guess, the best way to describe it is to suck on the skin, it's not like a really hard suck, but hard enough to pull it up a little bit, and hold that for a little while, 30 seconds or so. It pulls the blood to the surface, sort of like an un-painful bruise. try it a couple times in a place where it'll be normally covered until you get the hang of it. Then, beware because the skin on the neck is probably going to hickey a lot quicker, so start small!!!


Yea, most guys like when people notice that he's had a girl crawling on him, so it's fun to show off some times!!! The only time it's annoying is if you work in an office or a real professional environment, people will probably rag on you a little bit, but it's still fun!


Good luck and have fun!!! it's fun to try to get a good one!!!



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Well only because you asked what other people think...I will say when I see them I think it is a tacky display...like you have to leave a mark on your territory or something. Just my thought. Generally, it is not something you see on adults. So, I guess if you want to do it, young and crazy is the time.

But I agree, if you want to do it, do it somewhere tasteful...where other people cannot see it.

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whether or not the guy will like it depends on his age i think, if he is a teen, he may not be to thrilled at the response of his family, it'll be great to show off to his friends, but hard to explain to family members, maybe. i think you need to use your own judgement on whether or not he'll like it, just ask him

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