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how do i get a girl to relize i like her


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how can i get a girl to relize i like her with out directling saying it to her face, now what i meen by like is, be good friends, hook up and be able to share anything with them. i have bout 10 relationships with girls were were good friends and we can tewll eacother anything, but i want the last part SOOO BADLY!!!!


how can i get a girl relize this without telling it directly or in a way that will hurt the friendship????

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(i have a tendency to type fast and messy, this is a little better)


how can i get a girl to relize i like her without directling saying it to her face, know what i meen by this is, be good friends, hook up and be able to share anything with them. i have about 10 relationships with girls where were good friends and we can tell each other anything, but i want the last part SOOO BADLY!!!!


how can i get a girl to relize this without telling it directly or in a way that will hurt the friendship????

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good question. myself, being a girl, would like to know the same about guys. for us it's simple (simple to us mind you). show you care. doing things like opening doors, smiling, paying attention to what she says, and (my personal favourite) looking deep into her eyes when you say something are all terrific ways to show u care on a more-then-just-friends level. These things don't always prove helpful if you're generakky a very curtious guy, but acting out of character and being extremley nice will let anyone know something is up (just don't stop being yourself, because then you are lying, and no relationship can last from a lie.)


If you don't want to ruin the friendship but still want to let her know how you feel, you coud say something like "i feel like we're connecting on a level deeper then friends." If she agrees then you're in. If she says something to the affect that she doesn't know what you're talking about then u can always just play it off as a joke. If she asks you to explain further, I would just grit my teeth and bare it. Ask her out (hopefully she won't be that unperceptive). Those are basically all the scenarios answers i can think of at this point.


Would you mind telling me how the hell i can tell a guy! lol



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I went through a similar situation, and did like you are trying to do... and make her come to that conclusion. Save yourself the agonizing for weeks at a time and actually make it clear that you would like to try and see if you two have a possible future on a deeper level then friends. You might feel a little weird around her for awhile if its a no go, but girls seem to be pretty good at dealing with "this guy still likes me, but he knows i don't im cool with that and can still hang out with him as friends" . Now if you think you've conveyed your message to her.. you might spend 2 weeks agonoizing over why you can't get ahold of her.. and then find out when you actually ask her that she was kinda trying to avoid you. Trust me... as horrible as it sounds... just jumping in there will save you alot of pain.

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I'll approach this request for advice realistically, not idealistically.



In almost every case, you do not want to communicate to a girl that you like her. The goal with a girl is to imply that you like her, but to leave enough room for the unknown.


smilelikeyoumeanit gave great examples of doing this sort of thing. In my experience, they work well. However, the point is to make the girl wonder if you like her or not; NOT to let her know that you like her.


After doing thise things, and if she is at all interested, she'll do stuff that will indicate that she likes you too. For example, she'll start to take more interest in things you like, your interests, and past.


If you do a good job suggesting you're interested, while maintaining a level of mystery, and she really starts to get interested, she may even comeout and tell you that she likes you.


I know it sounds "wrong" to do this kinda thing. But, the reason it isn't is because this is how the "dating game" is played. Its a battle between a guy and a girl to hold off explicitly expressing their interest for one another.


The two things you need to know are the following:


1. Be yourself. Obviously you've heard this, but that's because its one of the most important pieces of dating advice for anyone. The reason being yourself is important is because nothing, not even an amazing girl is worth changing yourself for. You are who you are, and you should be happy with that. Finding someone who isn't romantically interested in you is a tough fact of life. But, it doesn't mean you should change. It means that you two just wouldn't work for each other. The trick is finding someone who is truly attracted to who you really are. The people who find someone that feels that for them end up the strongest and most fulfilling relationships.


2. Be confident. One of the biggest turnoffs for people, especially girls is a guy who isn't sure of himself. Studdering, not making eyecontact, or fumbling with words all go to show how nervous you are. On the contary, smiling, holding eyecontact, speaking clearly and surely shows that you are strong and sure of yourself. Attraction is subliminal. Its obvious to identify physical attraction, but the other qualities of a person that we find attractive manifest themselves much more subtly. In fact, attraction is usually primal. I'm sure you've heard women talking about guys who they like, and how they feel "safe" when they're around them. Women feel safe because they are attracted to men that would seemingly protect them. I say this because in the time of the caveman, women NEEDED to be attracted to this kind of man in order to survive. That's why people are attracted to people who smell good (a good sent is a sign of of health, and our instincts attract us to the healthiest mates). thereforeeee, the shy, timid, unsure guy will appear weaker and thus less attractive than the more social, prouder guy (unfortunately, this is why a lot of girls like the cocky jerk type of guys).

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hmm... just a question. how do you physically look 'deeper' into a person's eyes? it's a stupid question, I know, but how do you distinguish a 'deep' look versus a normal one? I think you just look longer, the person's pupils tend to dilate, and you sorta scan their face or eyes, and maybe become a bit flushed... am I right? haha.


edit: I just made a new topic for this so I won't hijack the thread. =)

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