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My boyfriend and I were together for 7 months. We fell in love with eachother, and I thought we'd be together...for the rest of my life. Well...for the past 3 weeks it hasn't been anything but lies. Him lying to me. When it comes time for the weekend he tells me he doesn't know if he wants to be with me and tells me that we are taking a break then during the week he comes back to me explaining that he is so sorry and will spend the rest of his life making it up to me. Then he gets "some" and starts being a butt again. So, I finally got up enough guts and broke up with him. And it's killing me because I love him so much but at the same time I know I deserve to get treated better.


I just need help coping with this. I know it's not my fault and he is the one losing the best thing HE'S ever had. But I just feel so down. I want to just be over him but...I don't know how to make it that easy.


Any advice...thanks.

Or maybe I'm just venting.


under* aka alicia.

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I hear this situations so often - and everytime I just feel I have to reply b/c this whole HS breakup is sooo me a few years ago! Ok so heres the deal. No matter what happens between the two of you, give it time - time heals pain, but also, it clears your head. Don't do anything irrational like go back to him, if you already KNOW he's not the one for you...the truth is, if he's like this now, theres pretty much no chance he will just change, annoying habits like this usually increase with age unfortunetly. Also, remember you'll likely experiences doubts and fears and this is totally normal - you've been attached for a long time - of COURSE your gonna be a little lonely at first. I don't know how to put this lightly, but don't get into the mistake of being with someone else right away...I did that. Ok, and another thing is, if in these doubts you think, maybe I should go back to him, he said he was sorry, maybe hes changed...remember this: you are young and he is young and you both have ur whole lives to figure this whole relationship thing out...my rule of thumb is, give it a month, see how you feel then, if u want to still, get back together, if he doesn't want to, or you don't, take a big breath of relief! Just stay strong for awhile, and it will eventually go away. Think of everday as a success, because ur one day closer to being totally over him! Good luck to you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been a Jerk. I am in love with a girl. I was with her for about two years, since i was 13, I am now 16. We broke up three weeks ago because she became too protective and I kept upsetting her because I use to flirt a bit. She liked to be in control. And to an extent I didn't mind. We split up about three weeks ago but have still been sleeping together. On Saturday (4th) We were at a party and she was there. I had a bit to drink and ended up all over another girl in front of her. I was not thinking strait. I love her so much, but she doesn't want to know now. I know It's my fault. To conclude my advise to you would be, chat to him. Sit him down and tell him what you think. If he doesn't co-operate. Do as Emma said and spend some time apart (absense makes the heart grow fonder!) Anyway. Good Luck and I hope all goes well x

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