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Suffering from heartbreak?

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Let me tell you something, young grasshopper. The world is the story of balance. Every action in life has an equal reaction. Even minuet change can affect the course of history. This is commonly known as the umbrella effect in accounting. Known as karma in philosophy. The world exists to support itself.


What does that mean to you? Well plainly said, Every action you take upon another will be rewarded and punished accordingly. We do not live in a vacuum, and neither do the people who hurt you. If you have experienced suffering and pain at the hand on someone, rest assured that such behaviour will not go unnoticed. Nobody gets away with anything, the universe knows if you're a liar or a cheater.


Do not dwell on the unfairness of a situation; the old maxim is true "No one ever said life was fair." Life is defiantly not fair. However understand that in general your life will be no more sorrowful or joyful then any other. Life is %10 what happens to you and %90 how you react. Do not dwell on the sadness in your life, or you will pass up opportunities for joy. This does not mean you should ignore sad events. Just understand that they are growing experiences.


And lastly, young grasshopper, understand that the best revenge is a life well lived.

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You are very wise thanks for the advice on my post called ruined a friendship and a relationship. Life is not fair and things that I've done I've done and I can't change it no matter what (even though I wish for a time machine) you have to try your best to get on with life and don't dwell to much on the past live life for the now.

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