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pictures, gifts and nicknames

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Heres the link to what happened with my ex of almost 3 years:


As the title of this thread says: "pictures, gifts and nicknames"


Some people have said this is a dead issue, some said to do nc and move on.


Im asking for replies from females on this site because i guess they would know more or have done this before, but im open to responses from anybody. So i need to know what are the reasons for these actions that i will write below and the psychology behind it.


The same post is on the original thread but i figured if i made a new topic in another forum, i would get some more answers.


Here i go,

The last time i talked to my ex (4 nights ago) I told her to either mail me back these pictures i gave her of me or throw them out because i see no reason to keep them since this guy she claims is making her feel "better". I have nothing against that because i admit said some pretty bad things to her in the past. Ok enough with the preaching. This was after days of calling her and also letting her know before she came to the state where her family and i live. She first tells me that she will bring them (this was when she was on the other side of the U.S.) Then tells me shes not sure if she brought them (this is when she was already here). So i dont bother asking anymore and give up.


Then the last night i spoke to her (which was over the phone) I brought up the pictures again and told her how much they mean to me and they were the only copies i had left and want to put them back into this family photo album i have. Again, I asked her to mail them to me, she replies back and says that shes going to hang on to them for reasons she didn't explain to me. Then i ask her about this small ceramic dog i gave to her, she tells me that she gave it to her boyfriend but quickly says that shes kidding and tells me that shes also going to hold on to that too! (i knew by her voice that she was truly kidding about giving it to someone else)


Now I discover that shes calling this new guy the same nick names she started calling me through-out our relationship. Has anybody found out their ex has been calling their new gf/bf's the same names the called you?? Any explanation behind all this madness??


Also this dude is a international student from the same group of people she met. Im guessing that he will someday have to leave the country..

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I tell you what, don't think about moving on or what the future with her is, I can see it's very painful for you to go that far ahead and that could be why you don't want to give any steps to get out of this situation.

So, no moving on, no dead issues here for now, ok?, we will leave it for later.

Just see this, you cannot hold on to debates on photos or other belongings and consider it a "bridge" between you two, is not much, it's something, you can see it however you prefer but it must stop.

Just give this step, don't contact her, leave it at the back of your head, don't go any further, just stop contact completely.


The next step will have to be to not think about her or why she is doing things, you can take both steps I have suggested whenever you want.


And I'll tell you something, yes I had an ex who used my same nickname for his girlfriend, the reason?, I never discovered it, I tried, I suffered, I struggled and I never understood it.

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