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My Girlfriend of 4 months ended the relationship without even offering me friendship. She never even wished me luck or really even said a final goodbye. I told her I would not contact her again, she never responded and it's been 2 weeks. I can handle being rejected on a romantic level, add not wanting to be friends and it's like being kicked while you're down.


How can you go from being a somebody to being a memory overnight, damn this hurts.

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this exact thing just happened to me and i was the one that did not offer the friendship. the reason i did not offer the friendship is because i feel as if you do not offer the friendship you don't have to worry about possibly getting back together with the person. i did value the friendship, but, i wanted to move on with my life. just my opinion as to why i wouldn't be friends with someone after a breakup.

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She might have meant the world to you but you cant expect her to feel the same way about you. People react differently to a break up but usually there is a lot of saddness and anger. You could her ask if you meant anything to her but dont depend on the answer to that as any consolation.


Good luck.


We love whole heartedly but then we are treated so cold heartedly so why do we go on loving?

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