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Neeeddd some advice

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I'm 15 ( my girlfriend is too) we Love each other very much but sometimes when i look in to her eyes she becomes very shy and turns them away

i do not dowt her love 1 second but i ........ well need some advice about eye contact

She knows i love her very much

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segagirl is right, im sure its just shyness...


but next time you stare into her eyes, and she looks way, ask her why she looks away when I stare into your eyes...

And if you get a respnce like I dont know (well shes shy..)


But if she asks you why your starring into ge eyes.. Just reply cause you got the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen... or something like that... well goodluck

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Im am sure it is just out of shyness. Not to worry.....As she gets more comfy, you will get more eye contact.

First of all want to thank You for help

Now can you tell me something about depresion

It's like this today She told me she's having a depresion and the shrink told her to change the the situasion ( as in places. for example to go to the vilage or to change the discos . i apologyse but i don't know the word )

well i wanna help ( if i can provide it)

Tell me is there necessity for me to help

If yes tell me how

Many thanks :

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Dealing with depression is very difficult. I hope the therapist has offered her more than to just have a change of scenery! You're part in this is to let her know you are there for her, be supportive and understanding of any mood swings she may have. Be patient and offer to take her to the new and fun places.

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Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance that can appear anytime. It can generally be properly treated with anti-depressants.


Short-term depression (that is what many of us experience) can happen from stressful events, changes in live, losing a loved one etc. This can also be treated with medication, usually for a period of no longer than six months, at which time the person generally feels better


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thank you again

you know i want to ask you somethink about conversation

when i'm with her my thought's which i placed in my mind

are swept away

i am afraid to say somethink stupid thou she said it's ok

but sometimes when we begin to talk we can talk about all sorts of things

what can you say about that??

any propositions plz

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