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clean bulking?

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Since foot ball ended Ive been lifting for 7 weeks so far and i put on mass everywhere and gained about 11-12 pounds. Im tryin to bulk up for football I play D-End through the 7 weeks i havent really been watching what i eat. I didnt drink any pop stayed away from fast food didnt eat late at night, and tried to take in protein. i used to weigh 168 now im up to 179 180 and i would like to lose all my stomach fat and be all muscle. Which shouldnt be a farfetched goal im in decent shape. But im really confused what should i do and not do to put on only muscle no fat. Since your trying to get bigger you dont want to diet to lose weight and i heard high intensity cardio takes away from lifting gains so i was going to hold off on the cardio till football gets closer. through the 7 weeks i put an inch on my arms almost 2 inches on my thighs inch on my chest little gains on the calfs. But my waist is almost a half an inch bigger. Ive been taking San V12 Turbo and ON 100% Whey. So any help on what to do to put on only muscle when i lift would be great.


Those are recent measurements and my lifting numbers are: Bench 165 Squat 320 Dead Lift 360



PS any tips on getting a stonger chest would be good too when it ccomes to bench its like a wall](*,) never seem to make progress

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Only bizarre genetic freaks can put on muscle with _no_ fat and even then, they have to be young, growing males like you (or supplemented with anabolic steroids, insulin and growth hormone as the current bodybuilding fashions dictate).


It is good that you are doing actual lifts and not silly time wasting junk.

Try link removed for the best lifting advice you can get.

For a good, community to learn from try

link removed (but make sure you read a bit before posting overdone questions...check out the archives).




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