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Why would he remind me of my ex?


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This guy that I have had my eye on(we've known each other for years and lately, I have been feeling an attraction for him) and I were with a group of our friends and I mentioned the location of a specific amusement park I once went to and all of a sudden this guy picks up his head and says "Oh, you must have gone there with Bill" who was my ex about 5 years ago and who at the time was friends with this guy. I was shocked that he immediatelt related this to my ex. Why would he bring him up. By the way Bill and I only went out for a month it wasn't a significant relationship at all. What does it mean that this guy remembered that?

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Well..theres many reasons..none of which r probably really important or have some meaning to them.


For instance, he might have just said it because it popped up into his head, due to a possible conversation your ex and him could have had about the park...


When you say this guy do you mean the guy you are attracted to?

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