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more phone convos, probably a good thing

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So basically this is still about the same girl in my most recent post.


We haven't been talking every night but roughly every other night and for a pretty long time, about 30-40 minutes each. I'm basically thinking of sticking to what I've been doing which is exchanging emails with her and calling her regularly. I'm not planing on making any serious moves until we get back. We talked tonite but my cell kept losing a signal. I really enjoy talking with her, even look forward to our conversations. I want to spend some more time with her in person when we get back before taking any bis steps but I do seem to get along with her well and she seems to enjoy talking with me, though right now it's just a friend thing, for long periods of time.


I don't really have a specific question, just felt like ranting. Well, one question, moreso for the ladies but guys are welcome to comment too. In your experience, does the fact that she talks with me for long periods of time about casual/friendly stuff and sometimes there are comfortable lulls in our convos and sometimes she calls me if she missed my call suggest anything? My belief is that it's only a good foundation for now.

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I don't really have a specific question, just felt like ranting. Well, one question, moreso for the ladies but guys are welcome to comment too. In your experience, does the fact that she talks with me for long periods of time about casual/friendly stuff and sometimes there are comfortable lulls in our convos and sometimes she calls me if she missed my call suggest anything? My belief is that it's only a good foundation for now.
I say the same, a good foundation, but I'd only take it as encouragement, and I'd err on the side of optimism, just for the sake of it

If it seems like she would act differently if you were just friends than that is a good sign that she sees something more there... to me, keeping in contact with someone in this way is probably a little more than casual friendship for two reasons: a) you didn't know each other well and your friendship has kind of blossomed and developed over the long distance - "usually" it would develop in person and not in this way, and b) she could get a "similar" friendship from someone closer to her currently.

I am reading WAY, WAY too much into it, but that is deliberate, like I said, I'd rather be optimistic about it.


Waiting to spend time in person before taking anything further makes sense, I think that's a good idea.

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I talk alot on the phone with my favorite girl too. Not everyday either. We've become so close that we starting to think alike and sometimes finish each other's sentences. If there's one thing girls like is someone to talk to and especially someone who listens to them.

I know she really likes me and honestly it all began by phone . She lives 2 hours away.

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