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i love this girl, she knows it and altho doesnt feel the same back we are very close, we kiss and cuddle and spend alot of time together. so much so EVERYONE thinks we are going out (we arnt cos she doesnt want a relationship). we cant go one week without one of our reletives or friends asking if we are going out yet.


the point of this post is that at new year i had to leave for a few hours. when i came back i got a "hello ur back" just asked if i was alright stood around for a bit then went in to one of the other rooms. i decide to go sleep in the car cos the house was quite crowded. she comes out with staples in her finger. i help her pull them out and stop the bleeding then we decide to sleep but she keeps breaking in to tears. next day she tells me why she did those things.


it was cos she got caught being fingerd by the guy her best friend fancys. she was upset cos she didnt want to hurt her friend like that.


i love her and to hear another guy was fingering her just tears me up. im guessing she told me about it cos we are so close she new it would upset me but that i would want to know. witch is true it hurts.but im gratefull she told me i trust her more than anyone, there are other things she didnt need to tell me but has. i lover her and am so greatful for her honesty that i forgive her no problem. the problem is i just have this image of her with this guy and it keeps haunting me. i cant sleep and if i dont keep my self busy i start thinking about it again and get upset again.


i wanna know apart from trying to never stop doing stuff is there any other way to get this image out of my head.


thanks for any help timewilltell

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She came to you because she trusts you and needed to be comforted by you. She realises she's made a big mistake and knows you won't judge her.


The only way to rectify the hurt you are both feeling is to continue with the kisses and cuddles and spending lots of time together. The closeness will help both of you through this difficult time.


When you are together think of the love you have for her and this will drive the bad images away.


Good luck

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Wow, something just does not sit right with me. My exgirlfriend and I broke up a year ago and tried dating a few months ago. Even after not dating and just being friends, I would sleep over and kiss her. She said she no longer had romantic feelings for me and I just kept hanging out with her. Well, a few months ago she started telling me about all of the different guys she was dating. Every other week she would say she thought she found the one. Well, we shared a lot because we were best friends. I admitted to sleeping with a date I had and after that, she felt it was ok to share with me. Let's just say she shared way too much. I was recently told that you can't be friends with someone you love. I believe that and started NC. If you want to deal with the heartache, then that is up to see. Your situation is different because you have not been in a three year relationship. If I were you, then I would draw some guidelines and let her know you don't want to know about her and other guys. The problem is that if she eventually gets involved with someone, it is going to be so hard on you. I am hoping she will decide she wants to be with you, but if not, you will be torturing yourself. Like I said, I situation was different, but went through a year of torture. Although I miss my ex and would love to be with her, I am finally starting to heal and have gotten intrested in a woman. Good luck!



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thanks for the reply tigris i did help her as much as i could without really getting involved since it was nothing to do with me. she turned up at my house unanounced today and just asked if i wanted to hang out. we messed about around the house then went to pizza hut and it was cool. i had a good time. she brought it up once but we managed to laugh about it. hopefully that should do it

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