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I was wondering if anyone could help me, but I'm a little confused as to what you get up to with your girlfriend/boyfriend when they come over to your house.

i know you'd get up to boyfriend and girlfriend stuff but what would you do apart from that? watch t.v? play board games(lol)?go for a walk? I' m really stuck!

if anyone can help me than that would be cool...thanks

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When my boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend x_x) and I used to get together, we'd do things such as watch a movie or tv (like, actually watch it ), play video games/board games (sometimes getting our families involved, it helps everyone get to know each other), bake cookies, help each other study for subjects that perhaps the other one is weak in, even read the newspaper or a magazine together... if your personalities and interests click, you can make anything fun!

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Well, it kind of depends on how long you've been dating & what she wants to do. She might just want to come over & make out with you for 12 hours!


But, assuming that you guys actually want to do other things, there's a lot you can do. All of your ideas are good- board games, walks, playing cards, watching TV or a movie (the 2 of you can go rent one together). You can introduce her to your music collection. I kind of like it when a guy pulls out his favorite songs & plays them for me. You can also whip out your photo album (or if that's too obvious, have some pictures scattered around your room & talk about them if she notices. She'll notice.) Girls LOVE to look at pics of their guy, especially if they're into him! (Yes, even baby pictures! We want to know EVERYTHING about the object of our affection!)


Think about food- is she going to be there for long? Have some snacks & drinks available, or you guys can make something together if you like to cook.


Do you have pets? You can play with them- take the dog out & play frisbee, or feed your goldfish.


If you guys are kind of goofy (like I am!), you could play high school games like Truth or Dare, or even grade school games like Go Fish or Crazy 8's, and laugh your butts off while you're playing!


It doesn't have to be anything exciting; you just want to hang out & share some of the normal things you do, things that you're into, with her. When I go to a guy's house, I'm mostly interested in finding out what makes him tick. So you can do the "This is my life" tour, but make sure you don't go overboard! If her eyes are sparkling & she's smiling, you're doing well. If her eyes start glazing over & drool escapes her mouth, stop talking & do something else immediately!


Oh yeah... here's a heads-up. We snoop. We can't help it. If you leave the room, be aware that she might take a quick peek in your underwear drawer or under your bed. So make sure you HIDE anything you don't want her to see- love letters, dirty magazines, dirty underwear, pics of old girlfriends (although she might want to see these, to see if she's hotter than your ex. Only permit this, though, if she actually IS hotter than your ex, or if you're prepared to swear on the Bible that you think she is!), whatever.


We can sniff these things out. I swear to god! (Especially the dirty underwear! ~lol~)



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The great thing about having a relationship (well, one of the great things), is that you can do anything and it will be fun because you are together. The point isn't what you do, its that you spend time together doing it. You can do anything from hang out listening to music, to cooking, to buying some art project to do together. As long as you both have fun, thats all that counts.

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