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Grrz...dam spot! be gone!

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right, to the point, tonite is ny-eve and even better im spending it with my gf....however... im not one for looking in the mirror and thinking "i look good" ..actually, quite the opposite i know im a teenager and expect a few spots, but i recently visited family in a different part of the UK where the water is pure (as apposed to my chalk based water around my area), everytime i visit them and come back, i get looaads of spots due to the water change (dont ask why!)...

anyways... i know ya cant make a spot disappear in hours, but what bout hiding it or making it a LOT less visible... any ideas?!


i know it might sound stupid but i wanna look good tonight this night means so much to my gf and if i think i look gd then i feel a lot more confident etc.. (hell... i know what i mean!!)

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If you want to go to trouble I guess you could borrow your sister's/mum's/whoever's foundation and use that to cover it up. It would work good...dunno if you'd want to do it though (I'm assuming you are a guy).


I find that doing hard, aerobic exercise makes your skin look better, I don't know it just has more colour and looks healthier and spots are less prominent after a workout.


Just leave it and forget about it. Don't touch it in any way. Keep your face clean and drink heaps of water. Keep your skin clean and free from muck.


edit: I wouldn't put makeup on a pimple though...they should be kept clean so they heal faster...but it would hide it well

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Try 'cooling' it down with an icecube fo a couple of mintues, then use concealer, dab it on with your third finger, not rub it in. Then even out your skin with a light foundation as registered mentioned. It should look good until you get so drunk that you wont care anymore lol.

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You know.....if you already have a gf ..... You have nothing to worry about. She likes you for who you are...>Not what you look like. So you have a spot...are you sure she is really going to care? I know you want to be more confident...So be more confindent you are who you are not by what you look like.

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