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should i give up on my two best friends.

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hey, as u all know, ive just finished high school, so im not seeing my friends everyday, which as hit me rather hard. however, my two best friends, travis and james, work together, and get to see each other nearly every day. i sometimes go down to their work and bring them some cold water and something to eat. but the thing is, because they see each other everyday, i feel as though im being left out.


i tried to organise something for new years eve, it took them 4 weeks to say whether they were coming or not, and even now it sounds like they dont want to be here with me.


we are great friends, well at lest i thought we were, james used to call me all the time, and i would go round to his house heaps, and trav and i used to talk to each other heaps. but now i just feel left out. james will e-mail me maybe once a week saying something like "sorry really busy, will call u sometime next week" and then doesnt call.


i brought them both present, and put them under both of their trees for christmas, and james didnt even say thank you.


i just want to know if i should give up on them, and just fall out of the group... i already feel really lonely, but theres nothing i can do... please someone tell me what i can do to help the friendship, or whether i should just fall out of their lives?????





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I don't think you should keep putting in this much effort if you don't feel like they are making the same effort in return. You could try talking to them about it. However things change after high school and it's not uncommon for people to drift in different directions. However perhaps rather than giving up, you simply need to lower your expectations for the friendship. I understand what you are going through though as the time after high school can be a difficult transition period, do you have any opportunities in your life to meet new people and make new friends? If you fill your life with things you enjoy new people will trickle in and perhaps you can build strong friendships with them as well, while still keeping in touch with your friends from high school.

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