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The Games Women Play

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Girls - Can you please explain something to me. Why do women play games with nice guys and then complain that they can never get a nice guy ?


My situation is simple. I fell for a girl - she wasn't interested but seems interested. She now is all over me with hugs and affection - yet would claim to have no interest. The concensus is she is using me for ego reasons. Why is this happening ?



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That site was awesome! Even as a woman, I fully agree with everything that guy said. Especially when he said "a woman should enhance your life, not be your life." I fully support and agree with that and am constantly encouraging my boyfriend to go out on the town with his friends and have a good time without me.

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CHarmed, you were nice enough to respond to my problem, so now I will respond to yours, and share the knowledge I have learned since, well, yesterday. Women play games. Whether they realize it or not, they do.

I personally have decided to let the woman, my ex, chase me, and fall for me. I realize I may have feelings still for her, but I also realized she hurt me, and is out for herself. This may seem like a mean thing to do, but if you don;t put yourself first, you are only going to get burned. There are millions of women in the world, why just concern yourself with one woman, and beat yourself up as to why she likes you or deosnt like you and so on.

Another word of advice, PLAY THE GAME! The "game" may suck, but it is the ONLY way men can even get close to gaining the upper hand. As I stated earlier in my response, I am letting her chase me. I am acting as a "man", being more confident and concerned with how I will move ahead in the world, and better myself as a human.

To restate my comment, play the damn game. It may seem like it sucks, and no one likes to hurt people, but you can't win the game unless you play. WOman are always playing the game, and they look for competitors, and do not expect to find someone who can beat them at their own game. Be that person, I am on my way down that path right now.

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Hey Phil !


That's a classic man !! I can see the point, but I do like the nice side of me a lot !! I have ambition, I am arrogent, I have direction, but when I get really close to someone, I let my guard down !!


jgo1978 : I get what you are saying. I'm going on the pull this weekend. I'm gonna get out there and try to be not interested in anything other than me. I can do it - god I do it practally all day - and with my mates - I do it all the time. Girls beware, a new day dawns and a supreme beast is being born. Playing the Game is to be my new motto. F**k women who take advantage of nice men - you will be hunted down like the dirty dogs you are !!!!!!


Reports will be in on Monday


Have a good one guys !!!

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Hmmm, to hell with the "game". Isn't it more manly to rise above all the crap and bullshit that comes with playing games, and just go out there and be? It's nothing to do with getting the upper hand on women, it's about finding someone you have a deep connection with. If I have to pretend to be somebody else or hold back on parts of my personality to be with a certain person, what's the point? Doesn't it show that your more of a man if you cry, pick yourself up, dust yourself down, learn from your mistakes whilst still making sure you hold onto your integrity? Doesn't that show more strength than pretending to be somebody else just to get sex from lots of women. There's a big difference between acting what you think are manly qualities, and actually being a man. People get the wrong idea, being a man isn't about being a selfish neanderthal who's only in it for himself, and has so much drive in his career that there is nothing else important. It's about strength of character and conviction, about never sacrificing your integrity, standing up for yourself and what you believe in, about having ambition but also being sensitive to other people's ambition. You can be a sensitive man who likes to express themselves and how they feel, that is not being a wimp. Come on guys, pretending to be a walking caricature of what you think a man is is not the way forward for us. Remember, it is the real man who instinctively knows that he is a man and knows that he affirms that with everything he does, and the boy who tries to do things that will make him more of a man, usually getting it completely wrong in the process. The guys who "play the game" to get women are the equivelant of the 15 year old boy growing a wispy fine moustach or beard from his first facial hairs to feel more of a man

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THEY KEY WORD most of you guys used, is "GIRLS" girls who play games, that's the problem they are JUST GIRLS!!! Women don't f* around.


Charmed asks: Why is this happening ? because you let it happen. You know the old saying NICE GUYS FINISH LAST! And nice guys tend to be attracted to the WRONG GIRLS!!!


DoblersDream: That was a way cool forum hahaha and as for your quote: well I guess as long as he gets up there, I don't think he cares how. Hahaha


And trust me all women ARE NOT like this, only the one's with low-self esteem issues, you know the type that are attracted to so called BAD BOYS!!! I personally think it's a cycle, it goes something like this.


Bad Boys like NICE GRILS, (you know the type of girls they can bring home to mom) but on the side, they tend to USE Ho's (these would be your typical GAME PLAYING GIRLS!) The Bad boys then use, and abuse, and confuse these loser girls. But they never surrender to these types of girls.

So see, it's kind of like the old saying goes WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND!


Charmed, don't sweat it, because eventually that girl will be on the other end, crying over some dude that will use her ass up and toss her aside like dirty laundry!


And don't be a HATER NOW!! Okay because there is no place in life for hating, just learn to pick your women a little better next time. Take this as a learning experience. Your nice-ness might just be the key to your happiness. There are still some nice girls out there who deserve a nice guy like you. Don't let others suffer because you made a mistake with this Game playing Ho. After all the reason she is probably like that is because she knows how to play guys. I mean she does all the RIGHT things to get what she wants when she wants. And most guys DON'T CARE! As long as they are getting their sh** on. It's a two way street my friend.


Peace Out




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Hi Guys !!


I printed out the don juan be a man link on Friday - and read it a few times over the weekend. I think that there are some fundamentally great points in there - really. I am indeed a "nice guy". And as is said, I do get sh'at on when I show that side of me. There are not as many nice girls out there (well certainly in Dublin). There is a concentration of nice girls on this site which is refreshing - but thats bound to be the case isn't it.


I think that the truth is that someone like me can not live life by making finding a partner being the most important thing in their life. For the past two and a half years, I have been single - out of choice. I met a girl I liked (or at least thought I did), and then suddenly felt a vulnerability that I hadn't felt in a long time. I opened up, and I got stabbed. I was happy to remain in that frame of mind - and have now realised that I do indeed want to share my life with someone. I can wait for months or years for that person to appear in front of me, or I can go out and activly seek a partner. If I am to go out and seek, then a certain frame of mind has to be used, because that is a very competitive market. Being myself will not work in that marked, because it is about having the balls to be strong and most of the other qualities in teh don juan atricle. I didn't score at the weekend, but I was chatting up some girls which was more than usual. My biggest play was to seem that I was just talking to them, and that my interest was no more than that. I wasn't going to appear desperate or needy - because it is true - I would have looked easy and that would not have been attractive - just desperate.


I'm not going to turn into a woman hater - and looking at my post on Friday - i was an idiot - that is certainly not me and what I'm like.

In saying that lady's, I think that you overestimate the amount of decent women out there - women are playing the game - especially in Ireland. That doesn't give much hope for someone genuine like me does it? Maybe I should be looking outside the box eh?!!!!!



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