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its been 10 moths and 5 days since me and my x-bf broke up and last night i just broke down and cryed.this is the first time i've ever cryed over him or any other guy and i dont know why did u all of a sudden cry now? why not 10 months ago. i still love him but he only see's me as a friend i've had alot of people tell me that he likes me alot including his little sister. but he never calls. but i dont know what to do. but the thing was ever since he broke up with me i have had a new crush every day and befor i met him i like maybe 2 guyz a year why did i change? how can i get over him?





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Hi Jessica,


I wish I could give you some advice, but I really don't know what will help you. But, I can totally relate with you. I am guessing you broke down because these are emotions that you probably bottled up and then with the holidays you just got depressed and started crying. I am someone who had not cried in twenty years. I have cried over my ex at least four times. I was watching a movies that was a little say and just started balling when I thought of my ex.


As far as the crush thing, maybe you are subconsciously looking to fill the void of not having a boyfriend. Maybe you are just rebounding. I have found that I am doing something similar. I went out with this woman once so far, but talk everyday. I am totally into her. I think about her all of the time. It's weird because I don't think in the past I would have even been into her. Good luck Jessica.

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thanks alot. but last night i broke down again and i feel like crap! i feel like im not pretty and that im worth less how can i get out of this ? . and i like this guy alot but we have never met i added him to a friend list on this one site hes seems really kool but i feel like how can a guy like me im ugly and not what a guy wants. i think this because some guyz have told me this

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