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Bitter parents arising but now leaving..

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Christmas morning im sitting silent in the living room and father comes out and yells at me to get my **** head out of the way to turn on the TV.


Wow not even Merry Christmas let alone I havent seen him in a day. He starts fights now for no reason and says when the Air Force gonna take you.


Two days ago he was yelling at his own Dad for not caring for him when he was a teen. I found this odd in his behavior. I think my fathers going thru some regression during the holiday here! Somethings wrong, and I dont want to be around this!


Im glad to be leaving, im almost wishing the lord to move thru this holiday quickly as the military shuts down during this time and comes back after Dec 27th but doesnt full swing until Jan 3rd.


To my point in personal growth


What I have learned now is to be my own decision maker and path taker in this life, its my turn to call my own shots and develop a successful future and to not follow in my fathers footsteps for his journey failed due to the fact of just giving up. I am never have been a quiter and am yet to ever start, today on Xmas he help re-enforced this idea x10 fold



Im just praying to god that call will come through with my job selection and get me into boot camp ASAP

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Yeah, you have to remember that your father is like this for a reason, try and emphasise with his position and think about why he might be like this.

Maybe if you look through his bitter attitude you might see that he is hurting inside?


I understand your position too well though... I woke at 6.30am and my parents were already bickering, and I became the target later on in the day.


But just remember that your Dad is human and makes mistakes. And there are reasons for how he feels.

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