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help me please cuz this guy is driving me crazy!

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so i talk to this guy, he and i are close friends and we are what you would call fwb or bed buddies for the past year. well the other day i went to the bar to see him cause he works there and he was a total jerk to me and he called me a 'petter' because he says that i was petting/touching this other guy, well that was just my friend and i wasnt all over him i just had to get close to his ear cause its loud in the bar and i told him what drink i wanted and i held on his shoulder...so not a big deal but this guy that i like is trying to make it seem like he was jealous so i said to the guy i like...,'come on did you see that guy, he so not attractive and he is m friend why do you care???' and he said that he doesnt mean to be the jealous type but he said that if i act like that to a guy im not attracted to then how does he know if im genuine toward him???? what is he on? i love him and i have been all about him since the day we met and he is gonna say he is jealous of my actions now and he is the one that wont date me...he says hes scared to be in a realtionship well no wonder why...i cant talk to another guy or hes jealous. well what do i do? i just keep thinking hes GOT to be joking becasue how can the guy that doenst want to be my boyfriend be jealous of me talking to another guy, talk about have your cake and eat it to. please help what should i do or say or think.

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Well i think he is saying this because he wants to become more intimate with you, but is afraid to commit to a serious relationship with you. You dont have to change the way you are though just because he gets jealous. If you want to talk to other guy friends and have a good time you have every right to. If he can't understand that then its his problem. Just ask him flat out what is really on his mind and what he thinks about you.

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I think it is a mixture of jealousy and pride.


I will tell you this, that is how me and my currect ex started out. FWB then I got feelings then a relationship came, and he ended it last night.


Most of our relationship was sex.


Honestly if you two do get into a relationship, try and make it about other things than sex.


My relationship was up and down for a few months.


But if you love him and want to be with him, go for it. Just take it slow.


I hope things work out for you!

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