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How to tell if a guy is gay.

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How does he get more opportunities? Wouldn't it be: he does something, you do the same next year. He does something you do the next year, if it's something you have to be a certain age, like school. And stuff he can do severall times, like something from 15-17 (I don't know anything), you can do as well, just a year moved back. Or am I messing up completely?

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uuuh congrats on that haircut dude...but wasn't Charles just on vacation in the worst land with the most snobish and evil people ever? *France*

....Oh right, in Great Britain you're one hour behind...or here in Switzerland we're one hour earlier...well, it's still late for a worknight, no?

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I don't think you got much to lose if your a new student a lot of ppl think ur weird cuz I was a new student b4...


N idk where da heck Charles is mayb I'll pm him to get on the site on fb


Arghhhh I feel soooo pissed!!! Me n my bro were in the hottub n he was talking about the college program and was talking about a guy who I thought was gay and he came out to my bro as pansexual or bisexual I think(it's sounded like pansexual but idk what it means but he likes guys n girls) and I'm guessing he liked my bro... I saw a lot of hints! Him n Matt r ALWAYS chatting on facebook and I saw a text that said 'i love you' and that he misses him so much...grrrr I'm so mad and my bros straight?!?! N he was hot, smart, and had a good body too! ARGH Y DOES IT ALWAYS GO GOOD 4 HIM!!?!?!?!?! I could just smack my bro right upside da head right now?! They even have pics together on facebook not to mention I think 2 girls like him: one that's rlly nice, is good at photography, draws manga and even gave him a song that she thinks about him in it, and another girl who is sort of mean but funny and they're both HOT. WHY GOD!? WHHHYYY?!?! *cries myself to sleep*

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Well, short eye contact isn't anything weierd, but I think if you stare into his eyes, and he in yours for some time, that's pretty....un-straight.

Pansexual is sexual attraction towards every kind of sexual identity, so not just girl and boys, also transgender people and so, while pansexuals themselves just say their gender-blind, and only the person matters, and the gender doesn't matter at all.

Well...maybe God does hate gay people? =P But really, I'm sure someday you'll find a guy. Just believe it.

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In the nicest way I say stop focusing on your brother's positives and focus on yours

He might be envious of something that you have but you're oblivious to it, like people never see their own positives and only see the negatives usually Ughhhh my summer holidays are so uneventful in terms of meeting up with or seeing any guys that I could possibly like in "that" way!

Weirdly enough, I can't wait for the new school year

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Well, I won't have a chance to meet a "guy" for the whole next year...so I want my holidays to last as long as possible, since I'm not really into torture with all these douchebags and stupid teachers at my school.

So, which year are you going into? Any new people you're meeting?

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whole next year! that's AAAAGES!!!

aww don't block yourself off just because of these stories of douchbags being everywhere, when we all find the right one it'll all be worth it

I'm going into Year 13, last year before university Well I'll be meeting all of the Year 12s because the Year 13s and Year 12s share the sixth-form suite - and I still haven't met all of my Year group from when I joined a few weeks ago so still some my own age that I haven't met. Yourself?

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I'm in my last year of Middle School, my 9th year. And I know all of my grade. And it's impossible to even talk to younger kids, because they're all so biatchy and think they're better than you. And I know for a fact that all the people in my grade are douches, and I can't go 5 minutes without hearing a homophobic remark during reeces and in some classes. So I won't find anyone this year. Hopefully sometime... Also, the teachers are complete doofes and shouldn't be teacher. My German theacher is a politician, always looks as if she's pregnant, wears clothes that look like a trash bag, and obviously likes the guy I liked. And he uses it so friggin much. Actually, every teacher loves him.... But you surely don't want to read my rant about my teachers or the kids at my school. If you do just PM me....Wait..your school already started? Where do you go to school? And I'm sure you'll find someone you can fancy. Then we're actually on topic for once XD

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My school is new. I think it's it 7-8 years old n I'll be a sophmore in high school.


My high school is fun but it's kinda repitive every day. But theyres a lot of clubs: ranging from anime club to dodgeball club. There's video production, animation, cooking, business, modern military, photography, so it gets fun. The only real problem r the classmates. Most are sooo annoying and a pain in the butt!? It's not too homophobic, but guys still don't like gays that much still. There's even a gay/straight alliance club...i'm scared to go cuz ppl will spread rumors about me being gay but it's only really debate. No uniforms?!?! at my old school u ALWAYS had to wear dress shirt with khackis. But a lot of girls r real sleezy. Ya know short shorts, uggs, tanktops, and stupid yoga pants!? When 60% of the girls don't even wear yoga! We got a awesum sports team as well. Probably one of best in my state lunch food is good. Pizza, burgers, fries, fruit, chicken, salads, it's sounds unhealthy but the food is healthy. Although a lot of ppl eat outside n play frisbe or 4square(which I suck at!!) 80% of the teachers r young and like 95% are nice. ALL of the guy teachers are hot!? Especially my math teacher...mmmmm...now I'm thinking of him again...

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You're school sounds awesome...Well.. compared to Swiss schools, almost every American school is awesome. I mean, here we got no after-school activities, the teachers don't care about you *and sadly, none of the are hot*, we don't have busses, we have to go home for lunch, and well...yeah...oh, did I mention you don't learn anything? Though I woonder what my retarded Geography/History/Religion teacher is gonna say about the gay people in the Nazi Camps, since he's like uber-Christian...

So, what's the problem with rumors? You might be the straight part =P

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I envy you. Finding out that the guy you like is bisexual and getting to kiss him and have a "thing". But really, if L went mad, just because of something you can't controll, she's not a friend. I asume you aren't friends anymore?

Is P homophobic? And what's he gonna do? Shoot you with a gun? Use mad fighting skills to knock you out? And if he's really you friend I'm sure he'll understand.

Btw, why did you say the Royal Army. Why not just the Army? Must be mentioned that the Army is SO Royal? And what's with the Dutch courage?

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