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I waited 5 months...

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Notmyself.....I know the feeling because I went through almost the exact situation you did. Its hard at first, and at times you will want to give in and call your ex but this is the only way to go! Its been months for me since me and my ex broke up and i did the chasing and all the other crazy things we do when were tryin to get our ex back. she would tell me she loved me and missed me but didnt want to be in a relationship and couldnt find it her to regain trust for me. And this happened many times. we would start to get close and then she would just disappear and one day i just said enough is enough.


P.S. my ex had tried to call me 3 times since I started NC and I havent answered any calls! And it felt sooo good to finally have the power that she had!! You just have to remember you cant sit around putting your life on hold. I never thought I would be saying this but you have to move on and better yourself! Nuthing you do can make someone be with you.


"You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything"

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Hi y'all. I am in the same boat as you. We have been broken up for two months. He left me and there has been no contact on either end. Believe me, I would love for him to call me right now and say, he was wrong, he messed up, he loves me and misses me. I would take him back in a heartbeat. However, I have to face up to the fact that he left, he hasn't called and guess what? I suppose he doesn't want me anymore. I can't change that. I keep reflecting on all of the wonderful things he said 3 yrs ago, but, it's not 3 yrs ago, and we had our problems this past yr. I wanted to work them out everytime, but he was always angry and indifferent. He probably had his foot out the door long before he left. Yeah, that's hard to accept, but it's just a fact. I can't accept it yet, but, everyday that the phone doesn't ring has to make me come closer to realizing he's gone for good.

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I've recently gone to full NC with my ex and let me tell you it was the best thing I could have ever done.


Like your ex she kept blowing hot and cold and last night was the last straw. I told her that I couldn't see her anymore because I was sick of what she was doing. If she wants to get back together then she will have to come and find me, I'm done chasing this girl. I'm no longer going to waste my time and energy on someone who just runs from me.


You wonder whats going through her head, well I'll tell you whats going through her head. She thinking about you, shes thinking about if she's made the right choices lately and most of all shes wondering whats going through your head. So don't worry you're still very much on her mind but really does it matter? This girl kept toying with your feelings. That is not the way love is supposed to be, if you love someone you go and be with them.


Soon after my break up I went home to my family, when I was there my father gave me a good piece of advice. He told me to stop chasing her. I asked why and he replied that I shouldn't have to chase a girl, I should be chosing who I want to be with. After a lot of thought I found out that he was in fact right. I shouldn't be chasing after her, she ended things with me and thats her loss. If she wants to get back together then I'm going to make her work to get me back. I don't owe her anything anymore.


Neither do you.


So just try to block her out of your mind. If you can't then maybe you haven't gotten the closure that you need. It took me a whole month to finally get mine.

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