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No where to go...

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Hi Guy's,


I'm posting this on behalf of a friend (his colleague at work) who phoned me for some advice. X (the abused) confided in him and doesn't want anyone else to know at work. The extent of my knowledge is based only on what he told me.


X's boyfriend beat her up before she went to work this afternoon. He hit her, she fell to the floor and he started punching her in the chest. I suggested that she stay with a friend and/ or go to the police. The problem is that she just got over here from France about a month ago and does not have many/ any friends over here, i.e. she has nowhere else to stay. Apparently, this is the first time it has happened.


Has anyone got any suggestions?


Thanks in advance,



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She needs to get away from this guy immediately. Can she stay with your friend for a little while? The most important thing is that she gets away ASAP and then go about looking for a place to live. She also needs to report this guy to the police because even if she moves he may be the type who goes looking for her and doesn't accept her leaving. She needs to be protected from him.

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I spoke to my mate and said that I don't mind sleeping on the sofa if she has nowhere to go, but she is going to stay with him


Apparently after he hit her, X started crying on the sofa and he looked at her and said that she should f**k off and that he didn't like 'cry babies'. After 30 minutes or so, he started crying and then asks for her forgiveness . She does have some friends over here, but she doesn't want to tell them because she knows that they will tell her to leave him (AND RIGHTLY SO!). It is the first time that he has done this and she wants to understand why.


I know "you can't take a horse to water and make it drink", but all I can do is persuade my mate to tell her to do the right thing and hopefully it doesn't end in tears.


Thanks for responding.



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