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I was Enlightened!

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Yes, I would have to agree with TiredMan, this will play on both of your minds. Perhaps, for him, this was his way of reaching out to you and you might have just indirectly told him through your actions that feelings still exist for him. Granted, i assume he was the dumper, so, in retrospect, perhaps it was simply no strings attatched in his mind.


In my situation, despite wanting to have sex with my ex, I doubt if i would let things get to that level, primarily because i do still love her dearly and hope to work things out over the long haul. This, for me, is out of respect for both of us. I hope you're a stronger person than I, for i'm sure it would play on my mind.

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You guys are soooo right...for now, I will take what I have and keep it...


I know he doesn't care about me anymore...he doesn't care emotionally about me anymore..


When we talked, I knew that he still felt the same...before either of us initiated anything...


I will probably suffer later like you guys mentioned, but at least I will know for sure that there is no chance in hell that we are going back together.



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