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Wierd situation .. What to do ..

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Recently me & my best friend have become really far apart. He was pretty mean to me one time and that kinda did it for me. I didn't want to deal with him anymore. I kept up NC for like 4 days until he called me. (I was at a party). I really didn't want to pick up, so my friend did. She was really giddy and stuff so I thought who cares. I just didnt want to talk to him. She handed me the phone though and he was really sad/depressed/lonely but i was still bitter from him being mean to me so i just acted busy and hung up.


I feel really bad. I know he probably needed me or was having a bad night. But I was having a great night. I didn't want him to ruin it.


I want to be free of our friendship because he's really needy. Although I don't mind, because I want to help him .. I like to help him .. But sometimes he just takes everything out on me and it really hurts me. I don't want to let him step all over me, or be mean to him. He's kinda only giving me those choices though. I haven't talked to him since, and really, I don't want to talk to him.


Whenever he gets pissed at me he just goes to other friends and says how much better they are. He comes back and says he doesnt mean it. And really, they're not the greatest/nicest people in the world. I've been back and forth with him forever. I'm sick of it. I want something solid and concrete to happen to solve these problems. I don't have a life that can afford to be stressful, I already have so many things to do. I just want out!

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It can be tough, when there is a friend who is too clingy and they stop all over you. I had a friend who did that once. They used me and made sure I was their only friend. But finally I got help and they felt hurt. But in time they got over it and we became good friends again. My advice is this: don't let him keep coming to you, break this friendship temporarily. He has to heal himself and can't keep depending on people. He needs to learn to rely on himself. It can be hard, especially if they don't take 'no' for an answer. But he'll eventually quit, once he really receives the message. Good luck.

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