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Feeling stangnant in life atm


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...Well, I'm not really sure how to describe it but I basically feel like there's nothing happening with my life. The past 2 years have been difficult for me - low self confidence, a lot of self hate & destruction and being involved with people who were just a bad influence for me. But now that I'm slowly finding myself again, I just feel stangnant. Like I'm in a state of inertia. I feel like I have all this energy but I've got nothing to do.


I know its wrong to complain when things arent going wrong and there aren't any major family or relationship issues afflicting me (which is why I feel guilty just posting this!) but I can't say that there's anything incredibly good going for me either. Anyone ever been in this situation before? I hope its just a phase that I'll just have to pass through. Any advice will be appreciated

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yes......going through it right now. i feel stuck.....a lot of selfhatred and wanting to hurt myself....to punish myself for the stupid choices i made, for the bad people i met, for all the crap that i took from others before when i didnt know any better and because it's my own fault that i fell so low and so far.


it's not wrong to complain. sometimes we need to acknowledge these feelings within ourselves.

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Feelings are good indicators that something is amiss. If you feel 'stagnant' then it's probably time to take more risks in your life. Shake things up. Try something new. Do things that are out of character. Take the road least traveled and see where it leads you. Oftentimes we let fear and self-doubt limit and define who we are when we have no idea of how amazing our lives could really be if we just the did the very things that we think we can not do. Start small. And see what evolves...

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